I aspire to become teachers. Of course me and my wife so shok. We both know, what kind of a future teacher. Therefore, before too long, our quick ngajak he ngomong.
"We hear, incidentally, you want to be teachers, Taksu? Yes!"
Taksu nod.
"Yes Sir."
We surprised.
"Gila, you would like to cook so g-u-r-u?"
My wife and I-view perspective. That catastrophe. We do not believe what we hear. Moreover, when we peer tatap, calm eyes visible Taksu not guilty. He certainly is not what Searched diucapkannya. Clearly he does not know the problem.
We look worried, because Taksu not fear that we do not agree. My wife's in-breathe in as disappointed, and so it went. I started to speak frankly.
"Taksu, heard good things. Bapak only speak one time only. Then it's up to you! Being a teacher is not a goal. That banner in the way of slums in the village. We live in the city. And this is the era of the third millennium colored by globalization , alias-free competition. At the present this does not have people who want to become teachers. dilnya All teachers are forced to become a teacher because, as they failed to reach the other. They are so original teachers are not idle. ngerti? Every time if there is an opportunity, they will jump ngambil a more beneficial. ngapain a teacher, would like to stand dead? You are not a person who has failed, so why you so desperate? "
"But I want to be teachers."
"Why do I have another job? You know, life is a teacher like? Guru is only an old bicycle. Be offered as iron does not have any trash that want to buy. Kejepit his life. Seabrek-abrek task, but the big money is zero. see where the teachers have rose Jaguar. house just average contract in the alley slums. In the village is also the teacher of his life not from teaching but from the farm. Because of the teaching profession is wasted, as the Boro-Boro goal, a road course costs less. goal is to be high, Taksu. Cook so teachers? That aspiration of trivial, mocking the name of the parents. Masak you not know? What have teachers who have a multilevel home. There is no teacher who has a dollar deposits. Teachers are not have a future. bleak world. We sleep, he still only utak especial prepare lesson materials or check the PR. How crass you want go to hell, but you are still young, you weak brain, and the cost to the school we have to prepare. Try to think the brain with the quiet cold! "
"It is I think deeply."
I'm surprised.
"Think again! Mr. kasi one month!"
Taksu shake.
"Dikasih within one year is the same result, Pak. I want to be teachers."
"No! You thought only one month before again!"
Taksu leave us with a hot heart. My wife grumble along the way. Made a month-monthly, I am. According to him, sayalah that is one of the students, so Taksu so short-sighted pikirannya.
"You who pamper him, therefore he seenak stomach just now. Cook would be the teacher. That's just suicide!"
I'm still alone. My wife is really strange. What is not disukainya, deems all my handiwork. Husband's fate is so average. Outside can exceed fierce tiger, dealing with his wife, destroyed.
Not only a month, but two months later, we both came to visit again Taksu in place kosnya. Once this does not appear with our hands empty. My wife takes penchant krupuk fish skin Taksu. I brought a new lap top the most powerful, as a surprise.
Taksu ecstatic. But our very own back beaten. When we ask how the results perenungannya a two-month, Taksu give the same answers.
"I have is I want to be a teacher, I asked again, Sir," he said at all without feeling guilty.
Now I am angry. My wife do not dikata again. Jump tight face. He can not restrain angry again. Taksu disemprotnya exhausted.
"Taksu! You definitely want to be a teacher because you are affected by praise on those teachers that do?" scolding wife. "Mentang-mentang they say, heroic teachers, teachers are kind to the nation and homeland. Ahh! That's all untrue! That government language! Do you think the teacher is correct that is causing people so pinter? Do you not read in the newspaper, many teachers -teachers who are now useless and depraved? Ah? "
Taksu not replied.
"The State deliberately praise teachers see the sky but their own, the state did not give that kind of salary, because they believe, many people like you, are satisfied as praised. They know the weakness of people like you, Taksu. Praised only a few have been want to rock the bones, work order does not matter is not paid. Taksu You deceived! Puji-made to compliment the people a weak heart like you, still want to be teachers. the children of their own race officials that post-race get out of sky-school, that can later inherit his father! Cook just so you do not nyahok? "
Taksu still not replied.
"You is not the type of people who just love to be recommended? You use what you own praises, which is something that is concrete. The concrete is money, Taksu. Do not be afraid allegedly materialistic. Meterialistik Who says it ugly. That is the word they do not have the money. Because not able to find money they curse-down money. Where possible, you can live without money? Yang bener only. We need to live materials. Teachers are working on the anti-material, make what you spend your life for something that is not useful? understand? "
Taksu nod.
"Understand. But what would one be a teacher?"
My wife eyed not believe what didengarnya. Finally he spurt.
"Lap-top take home its first course, Pak. Biar Taksu think again! Love him three days time, so that more can decide something in depth. Remember, this is a matter of life matimu own, Taksu!"
I actually want to come talk, but my wife I went interesting. I could not gainsay. In the way of my wife's breath.
"It is time to make shock therapy on Taksu, before it was too in kejeblos. He really needs attention. Therefore, he tries to do something that causes us forced memperhatikannya. Basic child of the age now, ingenuity! He desire not the lap top but the car! Mr. drudge beliin her car, so that what would follow our advice! "
I do not agree, I have another opinion. But what means the denial of a husband. If my wife or sister brother, or father-mother, who oppugn, may be diturutinya. But if from me, please do not. What I have proposed dicurigainya profit interests have my family. His wife is always the husband, from perasaannya own.
Three days we did not visit Taksu. But it also does not Taksu call us. I'm so anxious. In fact children do not miss their parents, parents who have always considered children.
Finally, without a known by my wife, I come again. Once I came with the car keys. I pull my deposits in a bank and take a car loan. Taksu may want to have a luxury car, but I only buy cheap strong. But sejelek-kan jeleknya car, with the promise of a bonus, if he would like to change the cloth-citanya, Isn'T luxury car, everything I will submit, wait.
"How Taksu," I said while showing the car keys. "This gift to you. But you must also give gifts for Father."
Taksu see the key to the cold.
"Gifts do, Sir?"
I smiled.
"Three minutes, Mr. taste long enough to make you decide. So short words only, so what you want actually?"
I looked Taksu.
"So the teachers. Kan says I have many times?"
Lock the car that is already in my hands again rebut.
"Cars are not an appropriate use of teachers. The key is you can take right now, if you promise that you will not want to be teachers, because the parents embarrass you. You this investment for our future, Taksu, understand? You sekolahkan us that ye may reach a degree, have positions, respected people, so we also honored. To be useful to you and the people have money to treat your parents, if we have our old later. Bercita-yang bener citalah. Mbok want to be president so! Cook teachers ! Gila! If you become a teacher, married after the worst you'll be back at home stick to your parents and suckle so exhausted all the inheritance ludes. That name stunted mind. No, I do not want my son terpuruk like that! "
Then I put the key back in the front nose. Taksu think. Then I yell gegap joy in the heart, because he was allowed to lock it again.
"Thank you, Sir. Mr. I have been considering. Sesungguh With-sungguhnya, I respect Mr. attention on."
While saying that, I Taksu interesting hand, and on the palm ditaruhnya me back the car keys.
"I want to become teachers. Sorry."
If it does not refrain, certainly at that time also Taksu I tampar. Kebandelannya was very provoking. Receiving plane is damaged. Fortunately I was good faith. I press my feelings. Key contacts that I hold to enter the bag and pants.
"Fine. If the case, tuition money and you start to eat next month we stop. You live alone. You can order your own direct experience how life is suffering. Not as easy as you read in the theory and slogan. Hopefully the pain will guide you to the right road. Three days will come again, Mr.. pikiranmu time to be sure that will change! Bangkit indeed occur after the new had destroyed! But never mind. "
No doubt many more, I go. I really get mad. I think Taksu certainly have dicocok nose by someone. No one can do that, except Mina, girlfriend. Children of teachers that I have been teaching less upon my child that terkiblat pikirannya to become teachers. Damn!
Exactly three months later I came again. Once I take this key luxury car. But first I ask the same question.
"Try it for the last time, so what would you really?"
"How a teacher."
I can not afford to continue. Boxing I fly to the table. Glass on the table jump. Coffee is in front of me to squirt.
"But why? Why? What information we do not make enough to open eyes and mind that you already dicekoki by female teacher child beggar is? What you want to be teachers, Taksu ?!!!"
"Because I want to be teachers."
"No! You can not be teachers!"
"I want to be teachers."
"I kill you, if you still want to keep it so the teachers."
Taksu I stare.
"If you still want to be just teachers, I kill you now!" I agonized kalap.
Taksu reply I looked sharp.
"Father will not be able to kill me."
"No? Why not?"
"The teachers can not be killed. Jasadnya may be rotten ago disappeared. Diajarkannya But what is still left behind eternal. Even grow, develop and provide inspiration to future generations to come yanag. Teachers can not die, Sir."
I'm dumbfounded.
"O ... so that drugs that cause you would already be a teacher?"
"Yes! That's why I want to be teachers, because I did not want to die."
I bengong. I have not been answered emphatically by my child. I'm so nervous.
"Rotter!" words escape me. "Who are you pollute your mind with the motto keblinger? Who are you mengindoktrinasi, Taksu?"
Taksu looked sharp to me.
"Who Taksu?!"
Taksu point.
"Mr. yourself, eh?"
I'm surprised.
"That is not it 28 years ago! Now have another Taksu! You do not ngacau! You can not live with the advice that Mr. gave 30 years ago! Then you lazy. You do not like school, you only want to play, you even recalcitrant and less on teaching the teachers that you come to school ride motorcycles. You do not even realize sepatunya butut face faded and less nutrition, but it is the people who will save your life. That is the knowledge that the warehouse you need to paste until you are ready. Before you are ready, you should respect them, with respect for them, new knowledge that can be attached. Without knowledge you have will not be able to compete in this global era. Tofu? "
One day I Taksu study. I telanjangi all persepsinya about life. With no red-faced again, drag the name of my girlfriend who mentang the Mina-mentang the beautiful, want to drag my child to a dark future.
"No true love is blind!" I kalap rage. "If a love is blind what's the bikini," I go cite the ads I papas often on the road. "If you become blind, that's the name of love but not toxic. You have terkecoh, Taksu. Pacarmu Although the family is a teacher, does not mean you have to mengidolakan your profession as a teacher. Why? Thus you should save it with a family of teachers do not need to be a teacher , because they do not need to live smithereens turbulence proud to be a teacher. What does it mean if the pride of living in the more appreciate the fact tie, car, money, and dignity? Got money, dignity and property is not a sin, why should be seen as a sin . For all that is only a tool to be able to live more civilized. menyembahnya We are not, never have told you that the teachings of worship material. We only use the material is to increase our life more humane. What people can not be happy? What if suffering as a teacher, new man will be civilized? kaprah That's wrong! Change the Taksu you, now! This! "
My car key gebrakkan BMW in front of the eyes with a very angry.
"This is a billion more!"
Before he had time to answer or take, I take the keys back while ready-ready want to go.
"Pulang now and apologize to your mother, because you just insult us! Leave her. Later, if you are successful you will be 7 times more beautiful women from the Mina with a very easy! There is no need to switch you nalar!"
Without waiting for answers, then I go home. I tell my wife on what I already do. I guess I will be able to praise. But apparently my wife bengong. He did not trust what I describe. And when kesadarannya down again, his eyes bug out and I dibentak completely.
"Mr. too! Do not treat children like that!" screaming wife kalap.
I'm confused.
"Come back! Let the car keys at the Taksu! If the children want ngasih car, you just do not use all the requirements, the trade name! Cook same child trade. Basic mercenary!"
I confused.
"Ayo cepet, later fading child you!"
I still want to rebut. But hear the words blurred, my heart fall. Taksu was the only child. Eleven years we waiting with anxious. Our treatment here-there, to rehearse and perform artificial enseminasi finally had time to twice the program tube baby. All failed. Time we pasrah not give up but, eventually my wife and the birth Taksu. Children who are very expensive, how can I let him be vague?
"Come quick!" sitri I agonized kalap.
With panic Taksu see me again. But too late already. Children already know that as just, that his mother would pack me back. Kost's house was empty. He was going to bring all the goods-goods, who live only a small secarik paper and a small message:
"Sorry, I relakan I became a teacher."
My trembling hands holding the paper disobek from the book daily. Paper that the value may only seperak that, far from the key means that the BMW price semilyar and clear my deposits. I sit in the room, the smell the smell Taksu that is still lagging. I thought perplexed. What is destiny's child and the parents of conflicts? How I did not want to re-fly vituperate Mina who already misguide Taksu. I call back-four teachers who have dikultusindividukan work as a noble, when in reality, many teachers are useless.
Room door suddenly opens. I like dipagut electricity. But when it turned, it is not Taksu but my wife is due to overtake worry. Time he knows what happened, he was direct and angry and crying. Finally, I again became a target. For the first time, I struggle. If not, my wife will make me so bal-balan. I answered all the alleged wife. He was surprised because for the first time I rebut. Finally, in the former rooms of our children, our quarrel hard.
But that 10 years ago.
Now I am already old. Time has a way to process everything so, so that everything beyond a doubt. Now replace Taksu already bear the burden of my life my family. He became one of the major import of luxury goods and export goods and crafts to fresh fish of various regions overseas.
"He was a teacher for about 10,000 people servants. Teachers also for young people who become a sister generasinya. Even teachers for the nation and state, because the services-services transmit work ethics," said promoter when Taksu get doctorate Honoris Causa from a prestigious high-joking. ***
WORK : Putu Wijaya
"We hear, incidentally, you want to be teachers, Taksu? Yes!"
Taksu nod.
"Yes Sir."
We surprised.
"Gila, you would like to cook so g-u-r-u?"
My wife and I-view perspective. That catastrophe. We do not believe what we hear. Moreover, when we peer tatap, calm eyes visible Taksu not guilty. He certainly is not what Searched diucapkannya. Clearly he does not know the problem.
We look worried, because Taksu not fear that we do not agree. My wife's in-breathe in as disappointed, and so it went. I started to speak frankly.
"Taksu, heard good things. Bapak only speak one time only. Then it's up to you! Being a teacher is not a goal. That banner in the way of slums in the village. We live in the city. And this is the era of the third millennium colored by globalization , alias-free competition. At the present this does not have people who want to become teachers. dilnya All teachers are forced to become a teacher because, as they failed to reach the other. They are so original teachers are not idle. ngerti? Every time if there is an opportunity, they will jump ngambil a more beneficial. ngapain a teacher, would like to stand dead? You are not a person who has failed, so why you so desperate? "
"But I want to be teachers."
"Why do I have another job? You know, life is a teacher like? Guru is only an old bicycle. Be offered as iron does not have any trash that want to buy. Kejepit his life. Seabrek-abrek task, but the big money is zero. see where the teachers have rose Jaguar. house just average contract in the alley slums. In the village is also the teacher of his life not from teaching but from the farm. Because of the teaching profession is wasted, as the Boro-Boro goal, a road course costs less. goal is to be high, Taksu. Cook so teachers? That aspiration of trivial, mocking the name of the parents. Masak you not know? What have teachers who have a multilevel home. There is no teacher who has a dollar deposits. Teachers are not have a future. bleak world. We sleep, he still only utak especial prepare lesson materials or check the PR. How crass you want go to hell, but you are still young, you weak brain, and the cost to the school we have to prepare. Try to think the brain with the quiet cold! "
"It is I think deeply."
I'm surprised.
"Think again! Mr. kasi one month!"
Taksu shake.
"Dikasih within one year is the same result, Pak. I want to be teachers."
"No! You thought only one month before again!"
Taksu leave us with a hot heart. My wife grumble along the way. Made a month-monthly, I am. According to him, sayalah that is one of the students, so Taksu so short-sighted pikirannya.
"You who pamper him, therefore he seenak stomach just now. Cook would be the teacher. That's just suicide!"
I'm still alone. My wife is really strange. What is not disukainya, deems all my handiwork. Husband's fate is so average. Outside can exceed fierce tiger, dealing with his wife, destroyed.
Not only a month, but two months later, we both came to visit again Taksu in place kosnya. Once this does not appear with our hands empty. My wife takes penchant krupuk fish skin Taksu. I brought a new lap top the most powerful, as a surprise.
Taksu ecstatic. But our very own back beaten. When we ask how the results perenungannya a two-month, Taksu give the same answers.
"I have is I want to be a teacher, I asked again, Sir," he said at all without feeling guilty.
Now I am angry. My wife do not dikata again. Jump tight face. He can not restrain angry again. Taksu disemprotnya exhausted.
"Taksu! You definitely want to be a teacher because you are affected by praise on those teachers that do?" scolding wife. "Mentang-mentang they say, heroic teachers, teachers are kind to the nation and homeland. Ahh! That's all untrue! That government language! Do you think the teacher is correct that is causing people so pinter? Do you not read in the newspaper, many teachers -teachers who are now useless and depraved? Ah? "
Taksu not replied.
"The State deliberately praise teachers see the sky but their own, the state did not give that kind of salary, because they believe, many people like you, are satisfied as praised. They know the weakness of people like you, Taksu. Praised only a few have been want to rock the bones, work order does not matter is not paid. Taksu You deceived! Puji-made to compliment the people a weak heart like you, still want to be teachers. the children of their own race officials that post-race get out of sky-school, that can later inherit his father! Cook just so you do not nyahok? "
Taksu still not replied.
"You is not the type of people who just love to be recommended? You use what you own praises, which is something that is concrete. The concrete is money, Taksu. Do not be afraid allegedly materialistic. Meterialistik Who says it ugly. That is the word they do not have the money. Because not able to find money they curse-down money. Where possible, you can live without money? Yang bener only. We need to live materials. Teachers are working on the anti-material, make what you spend your life for something that is not useful? understand? "
Taksu nod.
"Understand. But what would one be a teacher?"
My wife eyed not believe what didengarnya. Finally he spurt.
"Lap-top take home its first course, Pak. Biar Taksu think again! Love him three days time, so that more can decide something in depth. Remember, this is a matter of life matimu own, Taksu!"
I actually want to come talk, but my wife I went interesting. I could not gainsay. In the way of my wife's breath.
"It is time to make shock therapy on Taksu, before it was too in kejeblos. He really needs attention. Therefore, he tries to do something that causes us forced memperhatikannya. Basic child of the age now, ingenuity! He desire not the lap top but the car! Mr. drudge beliin her car, so that what would follow our advice! "
I do not agree, I have another opinion. But what means the denial of a husband. If my wife or sister brother, or father-mother, who oppugn, may be diturutinya. But if from me, please do not. What I have proposed dicurigainya profit interests have my family. His wife is always the husband, from perasaannya own.
Three days we did not visit Taksu. But it also does not Taksu call us. I'm so anxious. In fact children do not miss their parents, parents who have always considered children.
Finally, without a known by my wife, I come again. Once I came with the car keys. I pull my deposits in a bank and take a car loan. Taksu may want to have a luxury car, but I only buy cheap strong. But sejelek-kan jeleknya car, with the promise of a bonus, if he would like to change the cloth-citanya, Isn'T luxury car, everything I will submit, wait.
"How Taksu," I said while showing the car keys. "This gift to you. But you must also give gifts for Father."
Taksu see the key to the cold.
"Gifts do, Sir?"
I smiled.
"Three minutes, Mr. taste long enough to make you decide. So short words only, so what you want actually?"
I looked Taksu.
"So the teachers. Kan says I have many times?"
Lock the car that is already in my hands again rebut.
"Cars are not an appropriate use of teachers. The key is you can take right now, if you promise that you will not want to be teachers, because the parents embarrass you. You this investment for our future, Taksu, understand? You sekolahkan us that ye may reach a degree, have positions, respected people, so we also honored. To be useful to you and the people have money to treat your parents, if we have our old later. Bercita-yang bener citalah. Mbok want to be president so! Cook teachers ! Gila! If you become a teacher, married after the worst you'll be back at home stick to your parents and suckle so exhausted all the inheritance ludes. That name stunted mind. No, I do not want my son terpuruk like that! "
Then I put the key back in the front nose. Taksu think. Then I yell gegap joy in the heart, because he was allowed to lock it again.
"Thank you, Sir. Mr. I have been considering. Sesungguh With-sungguhnya, I respect Mr. attention on."
While saying that, I Taksu interesting hand, and on the palm ditaruhnya me back the car keys.
"I want to become teachers. Sorry."
If it does not refrain, certainly at that time also Taksu I tampar. Kebandelannya was very provoking. Receiving plane is damaged. Fortunately I was good faith. I press my feelings. Key contacts that I hold to enter the bag and pants.
"Fine. If the case, tuition money and you start to eat next month we stop. You live alone. You can order your own direct experience how life is suffering. Not as easy as you read in the theory and slogan. Hopefully the pain will guide you to the right road. Three days will come again, Mr.. pikiranmu time to be sure that will change! Bangkit indeed occur after the new had destroyed! But never mind. "
No doubt many more, I go. I really get mad. I think Taksu certainly have dicocok nose by someone. No one can do that, except Mina, girlfriend. Children of teachers that I have been teaching less upon my child that terkiblat pikirannya to become teachers. Damn!
Exactly three months later I came again. Once I take this key luxury car. But first I ask the same question.
"Try it for the last time, so what would you really?"
"How a teacher."
I can not afford to continue. Boxing I fly to the table. Glass on the table jump. Coffee is in front of me to squirt.
"But why? Why? What information we do not make enough to open eyes and mind that you already dicekoki by female teacher child beggar is? What you want to be teachers, Taksu ?!!!"
"Because I want to be teachers."
"No! You can not be teachers!"
"I want to be teachers."
"I kill you, if you still want to keep it so the teachers."
Taksu I stare.
"If you still want to be just teachers, I kill you now!" I agonized kalap.
Taksu reply I looked sharp.
"Father will not be able to kill me."
"No? Why not?"
"The teachers can not be killed. Jasadnya may be rotten ago disappeared. Diajarkannya But what is still left behind eternal. Even grow, develop and provide inspiration to future generations to come yanag. Teachers can not die, Sir."
I'm dumbfounded.
"O ... so that drugs that cause you would already be a teacher?"
"Yes! That's why I want to be teachers, because I did not want to die."
I bengong. I have not been answered emphatically by my child. I'm so nervous.
"Rotter!" words escape me. "Who are you pollute your mind with the motto keblinger? Who are you mengindoktrinasi, Taksu?"
Taksu looked sharp to me.
"Who Taksu?!"
Taksu point.
"Mr. yourself, eh?"
I'm surprised.
"That is not it 28 years ago! Now have another Taksu! You do not ngacau! You can not live with the advice that Mr. gave 30 years ago! Then you lazy. You do not like school, you only want to play, you even recalcitrant and less on teaching the teachers that you come to school ride motorcycles. You do not even realize sepatunya butut face faded and less nutrition, but it is the people who will save your life. That is the knowledge that the warehouse you need to paste until you are ready. Before you are ready, you should respect them, with respect for them, new knowledge that can be attached. Without knowledge you have will not be able to compete in this global era. Tofu? "
One day I Taksu study. I telanjangi all persepsinya about life. With no red-faced again, drag the name of my girlfriend who mentang the Mina-mentang the beautiful, want to drag my child to a dark future.
"No true love is blind!" I kalap rage. "If a love is blind what's the bikini," I go cite the ads I papas often on the road. "If you become blind, that's the name of love but not toxic. You have terkecoh, Taksu. Pacarmu Although the family is a teacher, does not mean you have to mengidolakan your profession as a teacher. Why? Thus you should save it with a family of teachers do not need to be a teacher , because they do not need to live smithereens turbulence proud to be a teacher. What does it mean if the pride of living in the more appreciate the fact tie, car, money, and dignity? Got money, dignity and property is not a sin, why should be seen as a sin . For all that is only a tool to be able to live more civilized. menyembahnya We are not, never have told you that the teachings of worship material. We only use the material is to increase our life more humane. What people can not be happy? What if suffering as a teacher, new man will be civilized? kaprah That's wrong! Change the Taksu you, now! This! "
My car key gebrakkan BMW in front of the eyes with a very angry.
"This is a billion more!"
Before he had time to answer or take, I take the keys back while ready-ready want to go.
"Pulang now and apologize to your mother, because you just insult us! Leave her. Later, if you are successful you will be 7 times more beautiful women from the Mina with a very easy! There is no need to switch you nalar!"
Without waiting for answers, then I go home. I tell my wife on what I already do. I guess I will be able to praise. But apparently my wife bengong. He did not trust what I describe. And when kesadarannya down again, his eyes bug out and I dibentak completely.
"Mr. too! Do not treat children like that!" screaming wife kalap.
I'm confused.
"Come back! Let the car keys at the Taksu! If the children want ngasih car, you just do not use all the requirements, the trade name! Cook same child trade. Basic mercenary!"
I confused.
"Ayo cepet, later fading child you!"
I still want to rebut. But hear the words blurred, my heart fall. Taksu was the only child. Eleven years we waiting with anxious. Our treatment here-there, to rehearse and perform artificial enseminasi finally had time to twice the program tube baby. All failed. Time we pasrah not give up but, eventually my wife and the birth Taksu. Children who are very expensive, how can I let him be vague?
"Come quick!" sitri I agonized kalap.
With panic Taksu see me again. But too late already. Children already know that as just, that his mother would pack me back. Kost's house was empty. He was going to bring all the goods-goods, who live only a small secarik paper and a small message:
"Sorry, I relakan I became a teacher."
My trembling hands holding the paper disobek from the book daily. Paper that the value may only seperak that, far from the key means that the BMW price semilyar and clear my deposits. I sit in the room, the smell the smell Taksu that is still lagging. I thought perplexed. What is destiny's child and the parents of conflicts? How I did not want to re-fly vituperate Mina who already misguide Taksu. I call back-four teachers who have dikultusindividukan work as a noble, when in reality, many teachers are useless.
Room door suddenly opens. I like dipagut electricity. But when it turned, it is not Taksu but my wife is due to overtake worry. Time he knows what happened, he was direct and angry and crying. Finally, I again became a target. For the first time, I struggle. If not, my wife will make me so bal-balan. I answered all the alleged wife. He was surprised because for the first time I rebut. Finally, in the former rooms of our children, our quarrel hard.
But that 10 years ago.
Now I am already old. Time has a way to process everything so, so that everything beyond a doubt. Now replace Taksu already bear the burden of my life my family. He became one of the major import of luxury goods and export goods and crafts to fresh fish of various regions overseas.
"He was a teacher for about 10,000 people servants. Teachers also for young people who become a sister generasinya. Even teachers for the nation and state, because the services-services transmit work ethics," said promoter when Taksu get doctorate Honoris Causa from a prestigious high-joking. ***
WORK : Putu Wijaya
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