Kamis, 26 Februari 2009


Ladyhood alvi bet he was a good, friendly, and can be very attention. One time he had the collar bajuku less fit. This small but very real meaning should be put in the heart. That is perhaps the membuatku kerasan chat with. Our chat is not more than a matter of interest, other than that secuil only. Occasionally we pernahlah chat in addition to interest, but interest is just to talk than to flavor a matter of interest to chat. Hmm, Mrs alvi it so infatuated will flower.

That is, every hour delapanan Sunday morning, I descend to the house musti Mrs alvi. He was buying flowers for dipeliharanya the kubawa in the yard or on the back of the house, known broadly. Either how much the collection of the decorative flowers with a variety of types. Almost three years, every Sunday he buy flowers. It looks like buying flowers for a totality. That Mrs alvi buy me. Before me, he has been a florist, but a florist that has been moved to another city. Dicarilah new florist. I am a florist and that up to now.

Highlight of Ms alvi intelligent women he showed. And, surely he will have meticulous attention to the flowers, berbinar. Not only that, he was touching the flowers with no alakadarnya, but also involve perasaannya.

Rather than a matter of Mrs alvi so very love interest: if kuranglah fit for a must if Mrs alvi always visible and only berkutat with flowers only. I stop by each, rarely seen her husband, according to Ms alvi when her husband are in the house. But what is rarely visible, both of the withdrawal be a pair-husband-wife. Yes, while sitting together drinking tea simply fill leisure time, for example. Or roads Sunday morning to enjoy the bright, such as families in general. Setidaknyalah mansion is impressive not only inhabited by flowers, adjuvant, and the wife only.

Several times I saw it, itupun two years ago. Exactly twice. Yes, I remember right. First, when the men entered the garage after the car when pembantunya mudik again. Second, the time me and Mrs alvi fun chatting in front of a home menyatroni ago asking her, Mrs. alvi to go in: to call her that. Soon, the men come out - the husband-Mrs alvi is limited only to the doorstep only to guests mempersilahkan entry. Then again I do not see it. I do not know exactly, other than a Sunday if they do - and Mrs. alvi husband - so familiar, like roads, so at least bertegur sapalah.
This week I came over the morning. Seven hours. Mrs perhaps have alvi events - dikabarinya me yesterday by phone the day after tomorrow. Therefore kedatanganku proposed. Ah, Mrs. alvi, he always looks beautiful as usual Sunday. This time the hair-sebahunya berbasah wet, certainly after the shampoo, diurainya many times with the fingers lentiknya the kukunya be painted red, pink details. Ah, but why Mrs. alvi this so sad? Hmm, sad but still pretty visible. Thus women would seem perfect if berona-woo sad that way. Ah, Mrs. alvi, surely a man who can prosper menyangkarkannya. Yes anugerahlah kind.

"Order of Anggrek Sunday as yesterday but it's a little small, brought?" Yes, the style of talking. I like the style of speech that Mrs. alvi is typical. Intonasinya disimak tasty. Lips berkecumik if such be engaged, but not impressed up. Reasonable, appropriate and beautiful.

"Order of Anggrek Sunday as yesterday, was quite small, brought?"
"Yes, yes, I take it. The beautiful Tulip, Mrs alvi definitely like."
"Anggrek like Sunday yesterday, quite small. Not Tulip. If Tulip has also been taken yesterday."

"O, sorry," I am nervous. "Yes, anggrek. Ah, the orchid Mrs message that, right? I have with the three different types. Please Mrs?"
"Hmm, red, orange, yellow? Is this course, orange."
"Good, Mrs."

"Put in the selasar there. I'll take the money?"
"Yes, Mrs."
Ladyhood alvi into. Shame! Surely before he kentarai kekikukanku that I do not understand. Sepatunya step approach. Ah, I should take away from the silliness.

"This is the money?"
"Thank you, Mrs."
"For tomorrow Sunday, bring me Black Rose."
"Black Roses?"

"Yes. Why?"
"Eem, what does not. Berapa Ms?"

"No. Okay. Sunday tomorrow I bring Mawar Hitam. Sebanyaknya?"
Ladyhood alvi entrance, a little hastily, because it may soon be ready to go.
Appropriate order, I take Black Roses sebanyaknya. Order weird actually. Soalnya each jaw problem interest, luputlah Ms Mawar Hitam alvi offensive, let alone book. Ah, but it is not my task. I am just a florist. So follow only a matter of taste. But?

Ladyhood alvi menyuruhku wait in the room, before it was to hang out in the yesteryear. Megambil may be something, either what. New this time I stay over in the living room. Net is also comfortable. From here, to which the views leluasalah want distributed. At will.

Out there? O, will surely break through the glass expanse cover this room, and then we spy dapatlah yards with gamblangnya. Dicokoli yards of colorful flowers that bergerombol beautiful.

"How many Black Roses brought?" Ladyhood alvi mengujar after sitting on the sofa.
"All Black Roses that I have," jawabku soon.
"Thank you. Put everything in the living room."
"All, Ms?"

I pick out for Black Roses seabrek car transporter in the interest of kuparkir outside the fence. Ladyhood alvi entrance to living room, would surely be up in the room where hundreds of Black Roses will be positioned.

"Where, Ms?" tanyaku with some in the hands of the Black Rose.
"Here. Put all around here?"
Ah! I then stop suddenly subside. Certainly see that box. Chest in the middle of this living room. Dikelintari box that many candles. Yes, the coffin was that of a man disemayami longitudinal dangan pallid face and eyes shut meeting. O, that man?

"Sunday he went home yesterday. Livernya not tertolong," said Mrs alvi with eyes that suddenly a little look in the mirror.
I am still stupefied. I saw Mrs. alvi eyes tear. Ah, it was like kesudianku expect to hear the sentence-kalimatnya the occasional terpatah by seniknya. Just listen, not apalah. Dapatlah relieve himself at least the middle of may berjelaga, such as roses: Black Rose.

"I hate this man," continued Mrs. alvi look while the content box. "It was rough. But I know why so mencintainya. If he did not come home many days, many months-long sightseeing, I know that the only bergelas the alcohol and glass-hunting women. Keraplah he returned with a stagger. Yes, twenty years our marriage, without children, tasteless, without tegur-I mean, except that on the bed after sex mereguk. sex, things sometimes become easy to make. But, entahlah I do not know, what do I do this. Ketololankah? Truly I do not know . I only know that I always feel you want to continue with him. That is why I continue bekutat with flowers. only, so I always keep in the house. with him, although not bersapa. waiting, although no return. Not what, my faithful . Setia what kind? Ah, I also do not know. People will pout nyinyir: ah! Mrs alvi no more than a woman birdbrained! Not what. I mencintainya. He has to go now. And I also know I want to put on the Black Rose petinya around, before it was carried to the cemetery resort to peace in heaven. "
A sunny Sunday morning. As usual I berkelintar to bring home every variety of flower chap. Ah, this time, I do not descend to the home of Mrs. alvi. He is no longer ordering flowers. He no longer loves her husband after the interest of peace in the paradise resort? Who loves Mrs. alvi now? ***

WORK : Iwan RS

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