Kamis, 26 Februari 2009


"Hughes just want divorce ..." Winda not a lot of chatter sekantor colleagues, seruang, as well as friends of his life, Neni. Beautiful woman hands berlesung sparrow is still preoccupied holding the remote control 21 inch TV that decorate workroom. Winda occasionally raise the volume of the TV show one of the famous infotainment program. Pause when ad, Winda move to another channel, but one to two minutes and then return to the channel that shows infotainment earlier.

"They were a celebrity, Win. While we are only ordinary people. Bedalah, the lives of celebrities is certainly more complex," said Neni.

"Ah, you have never been married is. Bisanya ngomong only, try what I ngalamin, a new sense of know," Winda reply.

"Basically the concept is Selebiriti popularity. When overcast popularity, they are looking for any way to mendongkraknya back. And the news about the divorce, one way aja." Neni sentence with the slide rather loud tone, while trying to hide ketersinggungan as women 35 years old who have not married.

"I am not married because I want to be careful Win, the aja. I also do not want to kayak you like, not even married a year I think divorce."

Stop the ringing phone conversation that the two women executives. "Press release is to prepare me, Pak. More of the journalists on ngumpul here. Press kit and transport his money is also wrong, Pak. My right to lobby ...."

By Winda tergesa steal some map work on the table, take a digital camera cool pic, and do not forget to trim the hair straight sebahu that looks a little ragged.

"I came down first, nĂȘn. But one thing, until when we accept this the only woman of the world so that patriakhi. We this independent woman, having money, beauty, everything. Bokap nyokap we also rich. Not necessarily a woman must be to serve men . On the men have time to serve his wife. The world still rotates I lost one man. yet I am still 27, still much to ngantri. Talk to you later ... "
"The divorce, period!"
"Love, you do the emotional. Think that is clear, many eyehole improve our relationship."

"Dimas, I have enough patience to you. I am married to find happiness, not vice versa. This time I am serious, I have sight lawyer, and tomorrow gugatannya letter to the court already entered the country."

"Love, I love you, I really love you. Not because of the small, so runyam well. Dimas apologize if wrong. I love you and you are a woman the choice to accompany my life forever."

Men's half-old was sitting bersimpuh. Occasionally he kissed feet Winda aka Love, his wife, who sat in the makeup chair in their room. Winda can only draw breath, try to ignore the whine men who up to now he does not understand how her husband can be selected.

Winda remember when the correct course, as what is desirable men into her husband. Not be stacked, such as Brad Pitt, Steven Seagel or segagah. Winda in confidence, a dapper man or who feel particularly handsome, not likely to be loyal. Winda also do not covet a man sekaya Sultan Bolkiah, because men tend to want to marry rich mininal two.

Simple and ordinary man, but it must be smart. No matter what the job. Doctor, lawyer, banker, stock broker or foreign exchange, and even journalists also qualify as home grown, smart, and loyal. "Wealth can be lost, but the brains will have forever," when an inner Winda.

"Love, Dimas confess confess wrong. Dimas promised will not offend you again, offend you, let alone to beat you again. Swear, that I will never do again. Moreover, the law was passed shortly Domestic Violence, which the husband dare to hurt his wife. Isn'T physical harm, injure batinnya are already criminal, "said the man who narrowly frustrated with his wife, this heart of violence.

"Do not bring carry-Law here deh. Yet its application may not seideal aturannya. Who is to pay a larger, he is certainly winning. Pokoknya like it, I ask for divorce."

Dimas breath long haul. He tried to hug his wife, but the hand of Winda menampiknya. "Quasi-intimate Nggak need ..."

"I used the phone Mama, I need an explanation, why help their children like this," Dimas interrupt.

"Do not bring carry-Mama in our problem. Mama now need quietness. Let Mama entertained by Mbak Yanti Dik and Rudi in the house, I need to be disturbed by the defense that you like. Lagian Mama surely remember the very sad if this sunday Papa honeymooners are in Europe with his wife. Even though the divorce was a year away, Mama is still difficult to forget Papa. Maksudku difficult to forget the sick heart. Report it to Mami Papi you own, "said Winda.

"Mami Papi is busy also calms Lulu, he continued to cry, her husband forced're marrying. I thought it was good decision-divorce is okay."

"Nggak, I want to divorce."
"Do not be so stubborn, you sorry for yourself lho, Love."
"Sorry? Sesalkan What I am divorced with you? Today you're sorry, but I hurt more tomorrow, there are ways you hurt me. Soal Start the Papa Mama I can educate me, that cockiness you more wealthy family, despite the fact family property you do not have the wealth seujung nail Papaku. Dimas, I need a husband that I can ngemong, not like now, I like living with a baby, and unfortunately the baby was already 40 years old, "screaming Winda. Dimas halt.

"And, one thing that I Dimas sesalkan from you. You always laluku the prize, you seem to regret marrying a woman who can not present keperawanannya for you. It just continues to bob up and down, yet keperawananku also never go back. It is important since the beginning when you put me, I have been honest that I have not virgin anymore. Then you bogus wise, receive only, and in fact you hypocrite as well. Memangnya you are still early when perjaka married? View the first wife, eventually also requested a divorce because you do not it was also handsome children hooked. "
"I like sex love. I sleep in the room."
Trit, trit, triiit .... "More busy, Mas Bayu? Ngomong I would like to briefly aja."
"Why would busy, if the ring is a beautiful Winda."
"I have been divorced, Mas. Putusannya before the District Court, regular course, I have tears. Dimas also verbally apologize to me, after the judge hammer tap. Batinku, that I should apologize to him, because I requested that the divorce ".

"Syukurlah Unfortunately, one problem in life you have been thorough."
"When Mas Bayu to Jakarta? I do not think what we start to discuss the more technical we plan, though matanglah perencanaannya. Bayu Mas later Before I introduce to Mama and Papa and the big family."

"Hmm, when do ya? I can not Win deh ..."
"Oh, do not do anything. I ngerti kok Mas Bayu are busy deadline, I need in a hurry. Bayu Mas When ready, to Jakarta first new together to Mama and Papa."
"Winda, I can not, I'm not able to Jakarta. I also can not meet your parents.".
"The Mas I, I'm not ngerti?"
"Winda, not so angry, I honestly want the same for you. Yesterday the Court rejected the claim ceraiku Religion. ... I can not leave istriku. Yet, you keep to the principles you do not want to be a second wife or husband has married more than one, so I want ...."
"Leakkk ....!!! Winda Ayu Ida Cantika vituperate death while ponselnya. ***

WORK : Badai Ekananda

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