Kamis, 26 Februari 2009


Sesosok women appear as shadows, sehalus wind and without a voice in sampingku. She suddenly appeared and sat in the sampingku are when I really do not know what else should kutulis. In fact I have spent five glass coffee, sebungkus Cigarette, and three cans Guinness beer. But I do not confuse her. I still suck and exhale cigarette smoke kretekku strong-strong in the hope of imagination get the cloud of smoke.

"What I prostitute?" She spoke to me.
"You are not prostitutes?" I turned back to him without asking. That question need not be a cliche kujawab.

"Menurutmu definition of how the prostitutes?" He asked again.
"Sleeping with more than one male," sahutku haphazardly. Again, without a turn.

"Sleep? Only sleeping? Period of sleep was not allowed?" He is still debate. "... And katamu more than one male. Hm ... how about the men who sleep with more than one woman, is he also called male prostitutes?" He nyerocos without pause.

I turned to the start feeling annoyed and disturbed. At this time I is not want to be debate. I just need someone who can give imagination to forward tulisanku stopped in the middle of the road.

However, ... alamak!
I am surprised when the ball bersirobok perspective with her eyes. Eyes gray! No black. And there is not white.

"How?" He mengejarku with the question.
"Apanya that how?" I hum while still trying over oneself.

"What I prostitute?" He repeats the question.
This time, in the eyes of gray appear stagnant grain-grain diamond ditahannya that does not fall apart when he mengerjapkan sheath eyes.

I have interesting long breath. Dudukku justify the position.
"You are in need of the story is not it? Write me ..." He said and ask yourself as if you know what kurasakan.

"Yes," sahutku with a heavy tone and distrust.
But, not a matter of prostitutes, or women's gray-eyed, tambahku in the heart. I love romance author. I need a love story.

"Nay, you who?" tanyaku in the end.
"Is that you need to make?" He asked back.

Ah! I'm not a lawyer that is ready to start debate and bersilat tongue at any time. I am the author of the words are dead.
"Fine. Call me just Maya." He said as if reading can pikiranku.

"Maya? Maya name you?"
She laughed. "You just authors? Apalah a name meaning for the author? Shakespeare said so right? And" Maya "means can not be so, the dream can be real, can be ...."

"Ya ya ya, Maya, or anyone you berceritalah now!" tukasku peeved. I really do not need your name. I need ceritamu. Need imajinasimu.

But she was not a word. He even opened his blouse, appeared payudaranya beautiful skin colored bra ditopang. I terperangah. But he does not care. He stood. Remove clothes one by one. Until he was naked in front. He is sincere without any ply in the body. Such as Greek statues or sculptures that I saw in Bali exhibition. I gulp saliva until jakunku spotty.

"What you see?" Voted to ask half a sigh.
"Color your body ..." I heard coming from the voice as another nature.

"What you see from the color of my body?"
Kuhisap rokokku in-menghembuskannya ago in the strong-strong. Women now began diverting. He is boring and does not disrupt as before. He began to give sensation. Whether such feelings of every man when faced with naked women in front of it?

"Abu-abu ...," gumamku.
She laughed. Euphonic sound. "Why do not you write?"

He was then near. So close. So that I can smell the fragrant aroma body and feel the touch of the skin moist and cold. He approach to breast wajahku. Napasku start felt crowded. I close the eyes because they do not hold strong fluctuation birahi.

"Open your eyes ... I have to close the eyes if you want to see in?" Lady's intimate voice.
I still close the eye. I am confused, doubt, shame, but they also want. During this time, I really like writing about women. But have not been writing about women naked-eyed and well-gray.

With a soft but strong movement, he wajahku lift. Then, with a sweep without pain, kurasakan hands exploring ago cavity eyes poke ball eyes. He brought the ball to the chest eyes. Laying on top of the left payudaranya.

"The doctor, on the left is the heart of the heart. Consider what you see is in the heart of my heart?" whisper it soft in the ear. Napasnya warm ear leaf.

The ball into the eyes payudaranya, into the chest, into tulangnya, find the heart to heart.

"What you see?" He still whisper like the wind.

"Jantungmu, heart, paru-parumu, blood ...."
"Yes, why?"

"Berwarna gray," sahutku nervous.
He laughed softly while taking the ball back from the eyes up and return it to the chest cavity in the eyes. He then gives a smacker on the cover cordial eyes. Now I dare to open new eyes. And again I bersirobok eye view with a pair of gray that diamond-diamond pin. Face so close to the wajahku so I can breathe in the fresh napasnya. And diamond-diamonds when scrolling will also fall in pipiku ago flow to the bottom, with kutadah hand.

"Air eyes are also gray," I said while looking at grain-grain diamond in hand.
He smiled between laughter and weeping.

"Why all the gray?" tanyaku in the end.
"For all the mouth I say black. Although I am not white but I do not sehitam they say. The gray is better than black? Not gray semunafik not white, is the mouth that says it all I black white?" Diamond-diamond gray stream in the gray-colored.

"Why do mouth-to mouth, you black? Do you prostitute? Do you sleep with more than one man?" This time I mengejarnya.

Now she's wajahku body. Then, while sitting bersidekap chest. But the still-naked in front. Now I think the better he does not need put on clothes. Better he naked in front even with all the gray.

"Menurutmu, who Yudistira?" He asked while taking a cigarette in my hand. Then, with a sensual movement that he menghembuskannya suck rokokku and form a small sphere-sphere. Ah, more and more gray.

"Yudistira? Hm ... he Pandawa oldest. He is most wise," sahutku.
This time I feel responsible to ask the woman even though he was naked gray become more diverting.

"Oh, so menurutmu?!" He membelalakkan eye and gray tones of the voices heard discordant.
"Yes. Yudistira But the reach Nirwana," sahutku. "But Yudistira and a dog," tambahku quickly.

"If so, Yudistira, Pandawa oldest of the wise with the dog!" He cut quickly and ketus.
"Lho?" I terperangah.

"Do not name a dog, if Yudistira mortgage Drupadi, his wife on the table for a cube only Astinapura?! Do not name a dog, if only to sit Yudistira terpana when Drupadi, his wife, ditelanjangi Duryudana?! Do not name a dog, if self Yudistira more expensive than the price Drupadi, the soul? " He returned with nyerocos furious.

I am not able to halt.
Her scornful laugh. Now he took a can of Guinness in the near laptopku. With a single portrait, a can of Guinness glide through lips, talking, tenggorokannya, stomach, ususnya, kemihnya uterus, and may be ended in the toilet. He menjilati Guinness foam remaining in the beautiful lips.

Gosh! Also spoken gray!
"Then, menurutmu, who Drupadi?" He asked with tongue-gray abunya.

"... Drupadi Ng, a faithful wife. He was sentenced to Pandawa less disposed to gambling in the forest in tens years without moan moan. He will not even swear menyanggul shampoo hair before Duryudana blood ...," jawabanku sounded nervous. Whether true or not according to the woman.

She sniff. "O ..., so menurutmu. Drupadi so white," he said with a cynical tone. "Then, if menurutmu, he was so faithful and white, why he can not reach Nirwana?" sambungnya again with eyes that membelalakkan gray.

Ah, people say, the eyes are the window of the soul. But this woman's eyes all gray. I can not read what is in life. People says, tongue, words are weapons. But the tongue of women is also gray. I know he does not talk white or black. People says, the heart of the heart is the most instinctive life honestly. But the heart of women's heart is also gray. I do not know whether he was deceitful or dishonest. People say, body language is. But the woman's body is all gray. I do not know it was right or wrong.

"Menurutmu, whether Drupadi can not be reached because he berselingkuh Nirwana and sleeping with five Pandawa: Yudistira, Bima, Arjuna, Nakula, and sadewa, at the same time? Because it was dirty? Because he was black?" There are wounds gape in abunya-gray eyes.

"Or, menurutmu, whether Drupadi Nirwana can not be reached because he berselingkuh inward with more love than Yudistira Arjuna, her husband?" Blood will have spoken of the gray.

"Then, menurutmu, whether Drupadi the prostitutes?" There are cuts and blood flow from the heart of his heart.
I am speechless thousand words. Not able to. Because after so long to see her packing in gray, are suddenly so many red run down from the eyes, of talking, mouth, body, heart heart, eyes water. Blood!

"What I prostitute?" For the umpteenth time he was repeating words.
I feel my chest packed.

"Are you Drupadi?" tanyaku nasal.
"What I need for what? Drupadi I, if I am Maya, I do prostitutes? You just need the story, write what you think, what may be the more honest of the written word is terucap."

Telanjangnya still with the body, it is near to me, talking with the menciumiku bleeding, gum wajahku of blood on the water, let the eyes roam to his heart in the heart of the bloody, single body with the bloody body.

Move up the night morning, when I fuck women with gray at the top of the virgin ...

WORK : Lan Fang


Ladyhood alvi bet he was a good, friendly, and can be very attention. One time he had the collar bajuku less fit. This small but very real meaning should be put in the heart. That is perhaps the membuatku kerasan chat with. Our chat is not more than a matter of interest, other than that secuil only. Occasionally we pernahlah chat in addition to interest, but interest is just to talk than to flavor a matter of interest to chat. Hmm, Mrs alvi it so infatuated will flower.

That is, every hour delapanan Sunday morning, I descend to the house musti Mrs alvi. He was buying flowers for dipeliharanya the kubawa in the yard or on the back of the house, known broadly. Either how much the collection of the decorative flowers with a variety of types. Almost three years, every Sunday he buy flowers. It looks like buying flowers for a totality. That Mrs alvi buy me. Before me, he has been a florist, but a florist that has been moved to another city. Dicarilah new florist. I am a florist and that up to now.

Highlight of Ms alvi intelligent women he showed. And, surely he will have meticulous attention to the flowers, berbinar. Not only that, he was touching the flowers with no alakadarnya, but also involve perasaannya.

Rather than a matter of Mrs alvi so very love interest: if kuranglah fit for a must if Mrs alvi always visible and only berkutat with flowers only. I stop by each, rarely seen her husband, according to Ms alvi when her husband are in the house. But what is rarely visible, both of the withdrawal be a pair-husband-wife. Yes, while sitting together drinking tea simply fill leisure time, for example. Or roads Sunday morning to enjoy the bright, such as families in general. Setidaknyalah mansion is impressive not only inhabited by flowers, adjuvant, and the wife only.

Several times I saw it, itupun two years ago. Exactly twice. Yes, I remember right. First, when the men entered the garage after the car when pembantunya mudik again. Second, the time me and Mrs alvi fun chatting in front of a home menyatroni ago asking her, Mrs. alvi to go in: to call her that. Soon, the men come out - the husband-Mrs alvi is limited only to the doorstep only to guests mempersilahkan entry. Then again I do not see it. I do not know exactly, other than a Sunday if they do - and Mrs. alvi husband - so familiar, like roads, so at least bertegur sapalah.
This week I came over the morning. Seven hours. Mrs perhaps have alvi events - dikabarinya me yesterday by phone the day after tomorrow. Therefore kedatanganku proposed. Ah, Mrs. alvi, he always looks beautiful as usual Sunday. This time the hair-sebahunya berbasah wet, certainly after the shampoo, diurainya many times with the fingers lentiknya the kukunya be painted red, pink details. Ah, but why Mrs. alvi this so sad? Hmm, sad but still pretty visible. Thus women would seem perfect if berona-woo sad that way. Ah, Mrs. alvi, surely a man who can prosper menyangkarkannya. Yes anugerahlah kind.

"Order of Anggrek Sunday as yesterday but it's a little small, brought?" Yes, the style of talking. I like the style of speech that Mrs. alvi is typical. Intonasinya disimak tasty. Lips berkecumik if such be engaged, but not impressed up. Reasonable, appropriate and beautiful.

"Order of Anggrek Sunday as yesterday, was quite small, brought?"
"Yes, yes, I take it. The beautiful Tulip, Mrs alvi definitely like."
"Anggrek like Sunday yesterday, quite small. Not Tulip. If Tulip has also been taken yesterday."

"O, sorry," I am nervous. "Yes, anggrek. Ah, the orchid Mrs message that, right? I have with the three different types. Please Mrs?"
"Hmm, red, orange, yellow? Is this course, orange."
"Good, Mrs."

"Put in the selasar there. I'll take the money?"
"Yes, Mrs."
Ladyhood alvi into. Shame! Surely before he kentarai kekikukanku that I do not understand. Sepatunya step approach. Ah, I should take away from the silliness.

"This is the money?"
"Thank you, Mrs."
"For tomorrow Sunday, bring me Black Rose."
"Black Roses?"

"Yes. Why?"
"Eem, what does not. Berapa Ms?"

"No. Okay. Sunday tomorrow I bring Mawar Hitam. Sebanyaknya?"
Ladyhood alvi entrance, a little hastily, because it may soon be ready to go.
Appropriate order, I take Black Roses sebanyaknya. Order weird actually. Soalnya each jaw problem interest, luputlah Ms Mawar Hitam alvi offensive, let alone book. Ah, but it is not my task. I am just a florist. So follow only a matter of taste. But?

Ladyhood alvi menyuruhku wait in the room, before it was to hang out in the yesteryear. Megambil may be something, either what. New this time I stay over in the living room. Net is also comfortable. From here, to which the views leluasalah want distributed. At will.

Out there? O, will surely break through the glass expanse cover this room, and then we spy dapatlah yards with gamblangnya. Dicokoli yards of colorful flowers that bergerombol beautiful.

"How many Black Roses brought?" Ladyhood alvi mengujar after sitting on the sofa.
"All Black Roses that I have," jawabku soon.
"Thank you. Put everything in the living room."
"All, Ms?"

I pick out for Black Roses seabrek car transporter in the interest of kuparkir outside the fence. Ladyhood alvi entrance to living room, would surely be up in the room where hundreds of Black Roses will be positioned.

"Where, Ms?" tanyaku with some in the hands of the Black Rose.
"Here. Put all around here?"
Ah! I then stop suddenly subside. Certainly see that box. Chest in the middle of this living room. Dikelintari box that many candles. Yes, the coffin was that of a man disemayami longitudinal dangan pallid face and eyes shut meeting. O, that man?

"Sunday he went home yesterday. Livernya not tertolong," said Mrs alvi with eyes that suddenly a little look in the mirror.
I am still stupefied. I saw Mrs. alvi eyes tear. Ah, it was like kesudianku expect to hear the sentence-kalimatnya the occasional terpatah by seniknya. Just listen, not apalah. Dapatlah relieve himself at least the middle of may berjelaga, such as roses: Black Rose.

"I hate this man," continued Mrs. alvi look while the content box. "It was rough. But I know why so mencintainya. If he did not come home many days, many months-long sightseeing, I know that the only bergelas the alcohol and glass-hunting women. Keraplah he returned with a stagger. Yes, twenty years our marriage, without children, tasteless, without tegur-I mean, except that on the bed after sex mereguk. sex, things sometimes become easy to make. But, entahlah I do not know, what do I do this. Ketololankah? Truly I do not know . I only know that I always feel you want to continue with him. That is why I continue bekutat with flowers. only, so I always keep in the house. with him, although not bersapa. waiting, although no return. Not what, my faithful . Setia what kind? Ah, I also do not know. People will pout nyinyir: ah! Mrs alvi no more than a woman birdbrained! Not what. I mencintainya. He has to go now. And I also know I want to put on the Black Rose petinya around, before it was carried to the cemetery resort to peace in heaven. "
A sunny Sunday morning. As usual I berkelintar to bring home every variety of flower chap. Ah, this time, I do not descend to the home of Mrs. alvi. He is no longer ordering flowers. He no longer loves her husband after the interest of peace in the paradise resort? Who loves Mrs. alvi now? ***

WORK : Iwan RS


"Hughes just want divorce ..." Winda not a lot of chatter sekantor colleagues, seruang, as well as friends of his life, Neni. Beautiful woman hands berlesung sparrow is still preoccupied holding the remote control 21 inch TV that decorate workroom. Winda occasionally raise the volume of the TV show one of the famous infotainment program. Pause when ad, Winda move to another channel, but one to two minutes and then return to the channel that shows infotainment earlier.

"They were a celebrity, Win. While we are only ordinary people. Bedalah, the lives of celebrities is certainly more complex," said Neni.

"Ah, you have never been married is. Bisanya ngomong only, try what I ngalamin, a new sense of know," Winda reply.

"Basically the concept is Selebiriti popularity. When overcast popularity, they are looking for any way to mendongkraknya back. And the news about the divorce, one way aja." Neni sentence with the slide rather loud tone, while trying to hide ketersinggungan as women 35 years old who have not married.

"I am not married because I want to be careful Win, the aja. I also do not want to kayak you like, not even married a year I think divorce."

Stop the ringing phone conversation that the two women executives. "Press release is to prepare me, Pak. More of the journalists on ngumpul here. Press kit and transport his money is also wrong, Pak. My right to lobby ...."

By Winda tergesa steal some map work on the table, take a digital camera cool pic, and do not forget to trim the hair straight sebahu that looks a little ragged.

"I came down first, nĂȘn. But one thing, until when we accept this the only woman of the world so that patriakhi. We this independent woman, having money, beauty, everything. Bokap nyokap we also rich. Not necessarily a woman must be to serve men . On the men have time to serve his wife. The world still rotates I lost one man. yet I am still 27, still much to ngantri. Talk to you later ... "
"The divorce, period!"
"Love, you do the emotional. Think that is clear, many eyehole improve our relationship."

"Dimas, I have enough patience to you. I am married to find happiness, not vice versa. This time I am serious, I have sight lawyer, and tomorrow gugatannya letter to the court already entered the country."

"Love, I love you, I really love you. Not because of the small, so runyam well. Dimas apologize if wrong. I love you and you are a woman the choice to accompany my life forever."

Men's half-old was sitting bersimpuh. Occasionally he kissed feet Winda aka Love, his wife, who sat in the makeup chair in their room. Winda can only draw breath, try to ignore the whine men who up to now he does not understand how her husband can be selected.

Winda remember when the correct course, as what is desirable men into her husband. Not be stacked, such as Brad Pitt, Steven Seagel or segagah. Winda in confidence, a dapper man or who feel particularly handsome, not likely to be loyal. Winda also do not covet a man sekaya Sultan Bolkiah, because men tend to want to marry rich mininal two.

Simple and ordinary man, but it must be smart. No matter what the job. Doctor, lawyer, banker, stock broker or foreign exchange, and even journalists also qualify as home grown, smart, and loyal. "Wealth can be lost, but the brains will have forever," when an inner Winda.

"Love, Dimas confess confess wrong. Dimas promised will not offend you again, offend you, let alone to beat you again. Swear, that I will never do again. Moreover, the law was passed shortly Domestic Violence, which the husband dare to hurt his wife. Isn'T physical harm, injure batinnya are already criminal, "said the man who narrowly frustrated with his wife, this heart of violence.

"Do not bring carry-Law here deh. Yet its application may not seideal aturannya. Who is to pay a larger, he is certainly winning. Pokoknya like it, I ask for divorce."

Dimas breath long haul. He tried to hug his wife, but the hand of Winda menampiknya. "Quasi-intimate Nggak need ..."

"I used the phone Mama, I need an explanation, why help their children like this," Dimas interrupt.

"Do not bring carry-Mama in our problem. Mama now need quietness. Let Mama entertained by Mbak Yanti Dik and Rudi in the house, I need to be disturbed by the defense that you like. Lagian Mama surely remember the very sad if this sunday Papa honeymooners are in Europe with his wife. Even though the divorce was a year away, Mama is still difficult to forget Papa. Maksudku difficult to forget the sick heart. Report it to Mami Papi you own, "said Winda.

"Mami Papi is busy also calms Lulu, he continued to cry, her husband forced're marrying. I thought it was good decision-divorce is okay."

"Nggak, I want to divorce."
"Do not be so stubborn, you sorry for yourself lho, Love."
"Sorry? Sesalkan What I am divorced with you? Today you're sorry, but I hurt more tomorrow, there are ways you hurt me. Soal Start the Papa Mama I can educate me, that cockiness you more wealthy family, despite the fact family property you do not have the wealth seujung nail Papaku. Dimas, I need a husband that I can ngemong, not like now, I like living with a baby, and unfortunately the baby was already 40 years old, "screaming Winda. Dimas halt.

"And, one thing that I Dimas sesalkan from you. You always laluku the prize, you seem to regret marrying a woman who can not present keperawanannya for you. It just continues to bob up and down, yet keperawananku also never go back. It is important since the beginning when you put me, I have been honest that I have not virgin anymore. Then you bogus wise, receive only, and in fact you hypocrite as well. Memangnya you are still early when perjaka married? View the first wife, eventually also requested a divorce because you do not it was also handsome children hooked. "
"I like sex love. I sleep in the room."
Trit, trit, triiit .... "More busy, Mas Bayu? Ngomong I would like to briefly aja."
"Why would busy, if the ring is a beautiful Winda."
"I have been divorced, Mas. Putusannya before the District Court, regular course, I have tears. Dimas also verbally apologize to me, after the judge hammer tap. Batinku, that I should apologize to him, because I requested that the divorce ".

"Syukurlah Unfortunately, one problem in life you have been thorough."
"When Mas Bayu to Jakarta? I do not think what we start to discuss the more technical we plan, though matanglah perencanaannya. Bayu Mas later Before I introduce to Mama and Papa and the big family."

"Hmm, when do ya? I can not Win deh ..."
"Oh, do not do anything. I ngerti kok Mas Bayu are busy deadline, I need in a hurry. Bayu Mas When ready, to Jakarta first new together to Mama and Papa."
"Winda, I can not, I'm not able to Jakarta. I also can not meet your parents.".
"The Mas I, I'm not ngerti?"
"Winda, not so angry, I honestly want the same for you. Yesterday the Court rejected the claim ceraiku Religion. ... I can not leave istriku. Yet, you keep to the principles you do not want to be a second wife or husband has married more than one, so I want ...."
"Leakkk ....!!! Winda Ayu Ida Cantika vituperate death while ponselnya. ***

WORK : Badai Ekananda


Dibayangkannya that often clouds the white expanse of blue sky is the island cotton. Sometimes, the cloud that formed expanse of frozen waterfalls, mountain or rock that float on the white sea of blue.

Day he observed any changes in the sky there. And when the clouds are the more milk and eventually lost by the dark night, he runs back to her house. Sapanya on grass, stone, soil and perdu. Disenyuminya wind with a chisel-prankish nyusup hair on the sidelines.

Sesampainya at home, he was still a leap-jump up and down like a child for the mother's home market. Dark, the house contains a perforated plastic chairs here and there, and the dust selapis daylight.

Disapanya red roses in a pot in the water with the splash of water. Then dinyalakannya switch and show the face of vague. Some of the insects around the globe, as witness the joyful life in the house.

What can be done after office is closed all doors for him? No more work remaining. Kantor did not need a man lean, apathetic, and slow as he is. Office of the brain need not always reject rate and a task. No. Office doors open for those who are young, spirited, and many do not; except the amount of the billing office will be accepted. They speak only a matter of incentives.

Men that sigh. Since all tersapu storm crisis 98, also flee with his wife - who knows. Leaving all, even memories.

Men are seated, of course, after bathing, cooking noodles IM at home and eat. Kretek and a light finger on the sidelines terselip that lean. Somehow, he wanted to look at the fence post. With the sluggish, he goes and opens the box. Not in sangkanya there have sepucuk letter.

With hope-hope that he is anxious to take a letter immediately, the rush to open it, and find a place under the lights to read.
Letters that came from someone who is not dikenalnya. The sender said that he get the name and address of the men was from someone who "... know your talent with the right ..", so that written there.

He was stupefied. "Talent?" gumamnya. Then read the discontinuance. Basically, after a lengthy decipher things, the sender asks for men to make it to the house in the complex of luxury housing in the city.

Weird. Why does not he simply come. Why should send a letter, if living in the same city? There, under the signature of the sender, included a phone number.

After reading, men that sat in plastic chairs jebolnya. It's something that suddenly appears in the benaknya - somehow what he himself is not so familiar. Quickly dihisapnya Cigarette it. Puff of smoke-ngepul, be blown before the wind disappeared.

He is also rushing to the phone, and while looking at the number on the letter that he was pressing nekan-number in question. He was silent a moment. Then, "What ..." there and talk a little choked-stagnant.

Men are more silent, listening. If any should be said, lips utter only "okay" or "good", and the most "yes". Discussion was finally completed, after the men said, "same-same."

Back home he was sitting in, while trying to unify the various flash reflection on the earlier phone conversation. Dinyalakannya a cigarette again. Then, shortly after the third hisapan just done, as if he will get the answer what should be done.
Today was the third day he was "working" in the house of the sender mailbox. And even until the third day it was, he did not know who the sender mailbox. He was only dealing with someone who introduced himself as a "helpmate" of the host. And the "adjuvant" that is reluctant to mention his name. Men's lean is no objection. Apalah means he knows the name of someone, if it is not related to work. Is not the world, where he gave a kind of life is like that ecosystem?

Like the previous two days, he was sitting and waiting for the reaction of the ditungguinya. Ditungguinya that it was a young girl, graceful, but mad. That is the "coadjutor" big boss to say that two days ago.

"Then, what relation to me? If he is mad, take it to the hospital mad ..."
"It is. The doctor said that he does not do anything."

"Kok, strange? Kok, there can be said that he was mad?"
"His father himself who said that. I just forward to your words."

"Honestly, what I considered traditional?"
"I do not know, your healer or not. It is important, Sampean prompted him to seek to be healed. The boss said."

Men that do not actually know what to do to the dish that he said was mad. He just sat and menatapnya.
Ditatapnya pair of eyes that the ball clear but it is empty. There is not who in the eyes of the ball. Themselves as girls went, or roam to a remote country, what his name somehow.

This is the third day. And men themselves are desperate for something that is unclear. He would like to say to the "adjuvant" boss that he surrender. However, there are things that make them cancel the meaning.

The fraudulent, the men then took a bronze horse statue, which is good. Diperkirakannya, is made in Italy. Details on surai, even in the muscle-hunk ototnya making bronze horses that appear to animate.

"Haha ... what's new master putriku are today ready to master my daughter walk?" he said while playing a horse that only segenggaman hands. Digerak the horse-gerakkannya face in front of the girls.

The "adjuvant" only sigh. In benaknya there is only one expression of "insanity was contagious."
"We will split the clouds. Did lord that is a cloud in the sky the land. He was dependent, and does not consist of soil and stones. All the trees, even water that is over there, is the beautiful white clouds. And when the sun is shining, trees -tree in the country will be through the clouds, like crystal. "

"Take me."
"Ten ... tu, of course." Suddenly the men heard the speech that tercekat. He did not like that the girl was pronounced.

The "adjuvant" boss is probably also great surprise. How might, after many years, the girls "go" from her body, just as suddenly back bualan the men. He immediately call the BOS through hp.

Meanwhile, the men lean as it is to see light in the eyeball of the cornea. He was careful to express the beauty dikhayalkannya. And for some time, he had witnessed a small smile at the corner of the mouth tersungging nymph that.

"You need to took to get there."
"Good. Do you want to master my daughter to ride punggungku?"

"What can you fly?"
"Yes. See?" Men's bronze was the horse that high-level beyond their own heads.

The little girl laughed, his eyes to follow any movement of the hands of men effective. And when the men lefthanded throw the bronze horse, the girl let out a laugh and happy.

Iceberg that has liquid and men like that find the house ablaze. Roses in the small pot in the home as if it developed and fragrant.
A week later, the girls want to dress up and invite the men walking in the house that large. He manjanya embrace with the arms of men. And of course, men will be young again - even though he not setua face.

"Mas never married, yes?"
"Yes ... with a butterfly," candanya.
Tergelak the girls, "Beautiful, of course ..."

"Yes. As beautiful as butterfly. Serapuh butterfly ..."
"To which he now?"

"Flying. Strumpet not always want to be pursued?"
Back derisive laughter of the girls heard. "Kok, Mas mengejarnya not?"

"Capek? Then during married Mas pursuing him constantly?"

"Mas do not like to chase women, yes?"

"Yes. Capek."
"Mas not find love?"

"No. Capek."
"Capek and hold, please?"

"Yes. Life is very tiring. You own to anywhere for this?"


"Go anywhere, not in the house of origin."

"Capek," answered a short talk imitate the style of men. Both were happy and laughing. A world of strange, that they had never felt before.

"The father, you would like is integrated. And since that conversation, you?" Disappeared. "Why, I like the potential husbands?"

"Know from where?"
"Tuh, he said that to me," answered the man while pointing at the "adjuvant".

"Shepherd kind of trusted him."
"Shepherd? Too good; bulldog," added the man while laughing. The girl was laughing.

Then silently. After a silent, "I am tired Mas. They have already determined and track. I can not say" no ", so, finally I still choose it."

"Mas, I want, I ngajak to your house?"
Men are silent. He not only wanted to take the doll to her house, but even up to ranjangnya. He wanted to hug and shed aridity during this life to the body of the girl.

"There is a condition ...," the man said.

"You must want to be istriku."

"Yes? Rate should be," answered the man sekenanya.
"If? Girlfriend?"

"Wah ..."
"If the boyfriend, what?"

"Yes? Mmm ... what, yes?"
"We first court."

"Ah, well you swing."
"No. Strumpet only be pursued so that the motion. I do not want to romp. I just want to know more old."

"Here, Dinda," the new times that of men is the name of the girl, "tugasku to" cure "you're done. You, ... I can now talk and laugh."

"So go Mas? Then mengunciku memories in space?"
"No. Maksudku Not so."

"If Mas go, I will" go "again."
"Do not, do ..."

Men are silent, in the heart he also said, what actually happens in the middle of this life.

"Mas I feel happy with me?"
"Bahagia, because you can see the cheerful again. Back again and again as before."

"Sok know. I do not want to like it. I like tomorrow, as the future ..."

"Do not exotic."
"I'm not exotic. I desire simply speak what I like. I just want to laugh, anytime I want. And it all can only kulakukan with Mas. Mas If I have, then ...?"

"Mr. I-mute your mother, eh?"
"Who, tuh?"

"Who, who is?"

"Hus. As a parent, I, too."
"Who are the parents?"

"Ah, now children. Sins of the parents you own."
"Who called Mas parents?"

"Yes ... who mbayar me, I honor the love of tens of millions of rupiah this. Who again?"
"Ooo? Parents are?"

"Hey? Not inconsequential, lho."
"No, I do not inconsequential. Parents that, eh?"

Men that stare Dinda with split views. Dinda pair of eyes as the tatapannya deliberately. Mempersilakannya as incoming and disassemble every niche and have a curve in it.
Men's Health, which usually only the silent stare into clouds in the sky, feel that life is empty melompong, suddenly fog prop. Not how, Dinda knowing that this child is a rich, the sick soul, and so is the father mencarikannya healer, and fall in select men, the foster father was only Dinda. And the foster father was Dinda seutuhnya want. He pity Dinda and forcing themselves into rooms that chastity angkatnya children. Not surprising if Dinda frozen.

Men's boiling hear it all, and therefore, whether the consideration is, he immediately invites Dinda aircraft flying horse ride.

He suddenly felt a Pronocitro on the fly from Roro Mendut kungkungan Adipati Wiroguno.
However, men are suddenly feel tired. He did not want to pursue and be pursued. He just want to sit quietly in the deserted houses and dusty. He only wanted to every time the hose mawarnya, there is a fresh flush soul.

As the dusk. Men are sitting back home in her house, and smoke. He quickly fold the pages beautiful book of life - even though only a few pieces - with Dinda.

Silence in the twilight, in the house, he can only imagine Dinda is in the side, although at that time, may be in the embrace of others. Men are really feeling tired, even simply to recognize that a man.

WORK : Yanusa Nugroho


This is the umpteenth time I want to go. From the house five years ago kubangun little by little until eventually become a haven for me and Maya, istriku. But then again I do not feel comfortable, when the events that occurred in a night, after I write a reaction. I met kekasihku, and we love each other. He has a menungguku so long. Tergurat wound up to a yearning in the long stretch between me and him. That time I menatapnya sharp and he bowed ashamed. I say the future menujunya. He asked, "When?", As if not believing in the word and janjiku. Kujawab, "Soon."

But after that I always fail. Ten times I tried to go, never have a successful. I am still here, in the house along with Maya, istriku. When the Maya did not know about rencanaku to go. He said only occasionally and was Suspicious to me. He said sikapku increasingly strange in the eyes. I usually muted suspicions istriku that hug the body with the freeze. Keningnya kiss and said, "Nothing weird. All normal course." Then Maya silent. And I do not feel guilty at all because ketidakjujuranku.

Several times came to kekasihku. Especially when the Maya are not in sampingku. I saw your face and frown kekasihku more visible fatigue.

"You what?" tanyaku doubt because of fear. I pencemas men. Especially against a kucintai.
"Too long I menunggumu. Too long I memetiki dismantling only to calculate the time that kedatanganmu false. You see, the fingers have been stiff-jariku and go. Frozen body is not touchable pelukanmu. Whiff of white smoke that waft rindumu increasingly become hazy to me. Weakened. And I sadarkan not start in the kesendirianku long. But you also do not come with me. Even more rare peek house door and knock. Kau coop themselves in a miserable death singkatmu. Together with the souls that are not really living. menduakanku Kau with transitoriness. Cintaku are on and is eternal for you. menunggumu I am in life, but you Bury themselves in the graveyard that you see is fertile. We are separate long Damned. "

I see a clear eye kekasihku Overcast. Kuulurkan hands and say the things I feel the same. Longing that demanded the immediate penuntasan.

"I will go home. For with you," I said.
But Shook kekasihku body. Tertiup night as the wind, it gradually disappeared from hadapanku. I mencemaskannya the opportunity to go without saying anything to me anymore.

Without thinking long, esoknya I decided to go away. I deliberately did not bring anything from home, because I know Maya would need if I am no longer on the sides. But until the new terrace house, see Maya. Winded up and down the menangkapku intend to go away. He was angry with me.

"You want to go? Meninggalkanku?" tanyanya with ketus.
I replied in the heart. Yes, istriku. I will go. And you know that means going to leave. But I would not meninggalkanmu. I will leave this temporariness. Kekasihku menungguku in eternal life. Then I will go, far away from this death.

Maya, istriku, install the face of disappointment. Dilipatnya scratch-scratch of happiness for this decorate the bone-colored merona. Bristle-ray eyes. As the eye kekasihku tired menungguku. I suddenly anxious. Not the Maya, but kekasihku. It seems I will fail again, to go from here. Maya, istriku, menahanku. "Do not go," he said. Langkahku stopped. Lost in the Shadows kekasihku really.

Maya memenjarakanku in peluknya the smell of death. Nafasku packed kekasihku remember that far. Do not be here, kekasihku. Batinku. If not, you will be burned and jealous menangisiku the bercengkerama with the soul is not immortal. Kubiarkan Maya memelukku hold tight. Peluklah I hammer that you are able perempuanku. But you will never embrace soul. Because the soul has been longing to go brought kekasihku. And you never know it.

"Say. Meninggalkanku Why do you want?" Maya in a long embrace between.
I must go home, Maya. Kekasihku find the eternal. You're the only soul imprisoned in a Tomb transitoriness. Menyedihkanku short of death. And kekasihku already unduly long menungguku. I also like merindukannya since first. Now we have met each other and fall in love. Love unify the separate long rentangan in two events. You and I, here is a death. As you embrace this offer with me. Nausea Membuatku aroma by humiliation. I must go home, Maya. And I do not need to apologize for all this. Do not menahanku Dolor in this, istriku. Why do not you just met kekasihmu as I saw kekasihku? Do not you also crave each other? And we leave this Cemetery. Flying towards the house lovers love loved us.

"Why are you silent? Have no more valuable to you here?" Maya memelukku more closely.
Ayolah, Maya. I who is not here. I am only a wild grass that grows in between the stones that you tread. I can not even grow up. I die in kekerdilanku. Kelemahanku. Kesementaraanku which is very short. Melindungimu also I can not. Remove genggamanmu the melukaiku, istriku. Or just throw me to the river that flows beriak and slapping wajahku the rough. So that I tersadar, and is no longer menyurutkan themselves to death in a hole memanggilku repeatedly. Melarangku to go, and memelukku with the aroma of death mencekat. Maya, I will go. Kekasihku go home. And I do not need to apologize you.

"You're not mencintaiku again?"
Maya, istriku, membentengiku with fence fence-own fear and sadness. He blame himself up kepergianku. Indeed, women who mengajakku in death, I do not dare to love others than kekasihku. Do not you know I am so happy to meet with him again and knit lasting romance? Then why you want to attract a second hand back to tumble in the bottom of Sorrow? Why you ask only for breast transitoriness mourn? Maya, you destroyed a breast tertusuki spine-spine clear that mengesalkanku. I started not hold.

"Do not say you have a will," Maya mengisak.
I met her in a night light. Yes, I have another one. Kekasihku of eternal life.

"I will not melepaskanmu."
Maya, istriku, this threat from you? What can threaten a transitoriness penujuan Eternity? I will go home with the kekasihku. Maya, never. Let me go.

And Maya memelukku remain in the heavily pelukannya death. I dikuburnya in the night-in.
Kekasihku came to silence in one. Maya terlelap middle of night in a dream. Again kekasihku mengajakku to unite with it. "What are you waiting for? Until the death of the call and merebutmu again submerged in grief for this?" Kekasihku stretch out hands to me.

"Maya is a death wish which is always mengurungku here. It is death that has kesedihannya own colors. That membuatku and can always fall back to it."

"Return. Do not punish yourself. Death is already too long do you and the souls of others. Why do you still want to keep crying that hurt?"

Kutatap kekasihku that so long kurindu. "I go home with you," I said. I rise and leave the house, the house of love with kekasihku.

And this is the umpteenth time trying to keep Maya kepergianku. Body only terbalut sleepwear thin when mengejarku. No, not again. Pikirku.

"Okay. You may go. Did you always want to go? As before, when you want to be a bull-author. You also said that as the journey up a call. You is not up to me to hear that call. Itukah As this is the time you do? And you menyuruhku for melepasmu again, as first kubiarkan you go on the road kepenulisanmu positively nearly kill me? How egoisnya you. "

Maya became a voice in the thunder that night. Really? Batinku. Can this have died the death of the second time because of a pullout? Survival? Maya, istriku, this time you memanggilku differently. Grief of others. But why should I look and listen? Why should I forget kekasihku and menemuimu back? Why should I menemanimu in this death to continue to grieve and drowned in transitoriness? How kekasihku with the menungguku so long? I am so anxious. Kekasihku the start of the silence in itself really.

Maya near. Menghampiriku searching for the missing shadow kekasihku. Half-Conscious, I am already in a very kukenal neck. Embrace of death. Maya mendekapku closely. Soul continue to think that somehow kekasihku where. Wait for me, kekasihku. I will come. Soon.

I am Sorrow. Because the union once again be delayed. But given pikiranku way. I may soon have to take Maya, istriku. To leave this death. Kekasihku acquainted with the eternal. But Maya memelukku in the heavily pelukannya death. That night, and the other nights. ***

WORK : Abidah El Khalieqy


This is the umpteenth time I want to go. From the house five years ago kubangun little by little until eventually become a haven for me and Maya, istriku. But then again I do not feel comfortable, when the events that occurred in a night, after I write a reaction. I met kekasihku, and we love each other. He has a menungguku so long. Tergurat wound up to a yearning in the long stretch between me and him. That time I menatapnya sharp and he bowed ashamed. I say the future menujunya. He asked, "When?", As if not believing in the word and janjiku. Kujawab, "Soon."

But after that I always fail. Ten times I tried to go, never have a successful. I am still here, in the house along with Maya, istriku. When the Maya did not know about rencanaku to go. He said only occasionally and was suspicious to me. He said sikapku increasingly strange in the eyes. I usually muted suspicions istriku that hug the body with the freeze. Keningnya kiss and said, "Nothing weird. All normal course." Then Maya silent. And I do not feel guilty at all because ketidakjujuranku.

Several times came to kekasihku. Especially when the Maya are not in sampingku. I saw your face and frown kekasihku more visible fatigue.

"You what?" tanyaku doubt because of fear. I men pencemas. Especially against a kucintai.
"Too long I menunggumu. Too long I memetiki dismantling only to calculate the time that kedatanganmu false. You see, the fingers have been stiff-jariku and go. Frozen body is not touchable pelukanmu. Whiff of white smoke that waft rindumu increasingly become hazy to me. Weakened. And I sadarkan not start in the kesendirianku long. But you also do not come with me. Even more rare peek house door and knock. Kau coop themselves in a miserable death singkatmu. Together with the souls that are not really living. menduakanku Kau with transitoriness. Cintaku are on and is eternal for you. menunggumu I am in life, but you bury themselves in the graveyard that you see is fertile. We are damned long separate. "

I see a clear eye kekasihku overcast. Kuulurkan hands and say the things I feel the same. Longing that demanded the immediate penuntasan.

"I will go home. For with you," I said.
But kekasihku body shook. Tertiup night as the wind, it gradually disappeared from hadapanku. I mencemaskannya the opportunity to go without saying anything to me anymore.

Without thinking long, esoknya I decided to go away. I deliberately did not bring anything from home, because I know Maya would need if I am no longer on the sides. But until the new terrace house, see Maya. Winded up and down the menangkapku intend to go away. He was angry with me.

"You want to go? Meninggalkanku?" tanyanya with ketus.
I replied in the heart. Yes, istriku. I will go. And you know that means going to leave. But I would not meninggalkanmu. I will leave this temporariness. Kekasihku menungguku in eternal life. Then I will go, far away from this death.

Maya, istriku, install the face of disappointment. Dilipatnya scratch-scratch of happiness for this decorate the bone-colored merona. Bristle-ray eyes. As the eye kekasihku tired menungguku. I suddenly anxious. Not the Maya, but kekasihku. It seems I will fail again, to go from here. Maya, istriku, menahanku. "Do not go," he said. Langkahku stopped. Lost in the shadows kekasihku really.

Maya memenjarakanku in peluknya the smell of death. Nafasku packed kekasihku remember that far. Do not be here, kekasihku. Batinku. If not, you will be burned and jealous menangisiku the bercengkerama with the soul is not immortal. Kubiarkan Maya memelukku hold tight. Peluklah I hammer that you are able perempuanku. But you will never embrace soul. Because the soul has been longing to go brought kekasihku. And you never know it.

"Say. Meninggalkanku Why do you want?" Maya in a long embrace between.
I must go home, Maya. Kekasihku find the eternal. You're the only soul imprisoned in a tomb transitoriness. Menyedihkanku short of death. And kekasihku already unduly long menungguku. I also like merindukannya since first. Now we have met each other and fall in love. Love unify the separate long rentangan in two events. You and I, here is a death. As you embrace this offer with me. Membuatku nausea aroma by humiliation. I must go home, Maya. And I do not need to apologize for all this. Do not menahanku dolor in this, istriku. Why do not you just met kekasihmu as I saw kekasihku? Do not you also crave each other? And we leave this cemetery. Flying towards the house lovers love loved us.

"Why are you silent? Have no more valuable to you here?" Maya memelukku more closely.
Ayolah, Maya. I who is not here. I am only a wild grass that grows in between the stones that you tread. I can not even grow up. I die in kekerdilanku. Kelemahanku. Kesementaraanku which is very short. Melindungimu also I can not. Remove genggamanmu the melukaiku, istriku. Or just throw me to the river that flows beriak and slapping wajahku the rough. So that I tersadar, and is no longer menyurutkan themselves to death in a hole memanggilku repeatedly. Melarangku to go, and memelukku with the aroma of death mencekat. Maya, I will go. Kekasihku go home. And I do not need to apologize you.

"You're not mencintaiku again?"
Maya, istriku, membentengiku with fence fence-own fear and sadness. He blame himself up kepergianku. Indeed, women who mengajakku in death, I do not dare to love others than kekasihku. Do not you know I am so happy to meet with him again and knit lasting romance? Then why you want to attract a second hand back to tumble in the bottom of sorrow? Why you ask only for breast transitoriness mourn? Maya, you destroyed a breast tertusuki spine-spine clear that mengesalkanku. I started not hold.

"Do not say you have a will," Maya mengisak.
I met her in a night light. Yes, I have another one. Kekasihku of eternal life.

"I will not melepaskanmu."
Maya, istriku, this threat from you? What can threaten a transitoriness penujuan eternity? I will go home with the kekasihku. Maya, never. Let me go.

And Maya memelukku remain in the heavily pelukannya death. I dikuburnya in the night-in.
Kekasihku came to silence in one. Maya terlelap middle of night in a dream. Again kekasihku mengajakku to unite with it. "What are you waiting for? Until the death of the call and merebutmu again submerged in grief for this?" Kekasihku stretch out hands to me.

"Maya is a death wish which is always mengurungku here. It is death that has kesedihannya own colors. That can membuatku and always fall back to it."

"Return. Do not punish yourself. Death is already too long do you and the souls of others. Why do you still want to keep crying that hurt?"

Kutatap kekasihku that so long kurindu. "I go home with you," I said. I rise and leave the house, the house of love with kekasihku.

And this is the umpteenth time trying to keep Maya kepergianku. Body only terbalut sleepwear thin when mengejarku. No, not again. Pikirku.

"Okay. You may go. Did you always want to go? As before, when you want to be a bull-author. You also said that as the journey up a call. You is not up to me to hear that call. Itukah As this is the time you do? And you menyuruhku for melepasmu again, as first kubiarkan you go on the road kepenulisanmu positively nearly kill me? How egoisnya you. "

Maya became a voice in the thunder that night. Really? Batinku. Can this have died the death of the second time because of a pullout? Survival? Maya, istriku, this time you memanggilku differently. Grief of others. But why should I look and listen? Why should I forget kekasihku and menemuimu back? Why should I menemanimu in this death to continue to grieve and drowned in transitoriness? How kekasihku with the menungguku so long? I am so anxious. Kekasihku the start of the silence in itself really.

Maya near. Menghampiriku searching for the missing shadow kekasihku. Half-conscious, I am already in a very kukenal neck. Embrace of death. Maya mendekapku closely. Soul continue to think that somehow kekasihku where. Wait for me, kekasihku. I will come. Soon.

I am sorrow. Because the union once again be delayed. But given pikiranku way. I may soon have to take Maya, istriku. To leave this death. Kekasihku acquainted with the eternal. But Maya memelukku in the heavily pelukannya death. That night, and nights the other. ***

WORK : Maya Wulan


Madame Julie Roubere middle daughter awaiting the arrival sister, Madame Henriette Letore, who recently returned from a trip to Switzerland Affairs.

The entire family of five since the lottery melancong sunday ago. Madame Henriette allowing her husband returned alone to the village homes in Calvados, because there are some business matters to be completed, and spent several nights in Paris with sister. The night passed. In the quiet stillness, Madame Roubere preoccupied with the thoughts of blank, eyes occasionally raised eyebrow every time to hear the sound.

Finally, the door of her house diketuk, and sister appear in bold dressing jacket. And without a formal, fully embrace their love in a quite long time, disconnect hug hug each other a moment ago again. Then, they ask the newspaper, family and thousands of other things, menggosip and interrupt each other, while Madame Henriette busy removing the jacket and hat.

Night is dark. Madame Roubere light a small lamp, and not long after, he was acungkan lights up to contemplate the face sister, and memeluknya again. However, how terkejutnya when he faces sister tercintanya contemplate it. He looks back and fear.

At the head of Madame Letore appear two large bundle of white hair. The rest, the hair that looks and jet black sparkler on each side of the head there are two set silvery lace to the middle of a clump of black hair mengitarinya. He was new 24 years old, and of course this change really surprising since the kepergiannya him to Switzerland.

Without the slightest move, Madame Roubere contemplate full wonderment, dots will to tear the two-colored. Pikirannya berkecamuk, what a disaster that has occurred in the sister.

He asked, "What is the matter with, Henriette?"
Menyunggingkan with a smile on a sad face, a smile that broken-hearted, Henriette said, "None whatsoever. Oath. Are you are considering hair putihku this?"

But Madame Roubere hurried to seize pundaknya, menatapnya sharp, and repeat the question again.
"What is the matter with? Ayo says, what has happened. And if you lie, I will find out."

They still view each other, and Madame Henriette, who looks as though unconscious desire, meneteskan tears from both corners of the eyes.
Adiknya ask again, "What is the matter with what's going on? Responsibility Ayo me!"

With a broken voice, broken and sobbing, said Henriette, "I ... I have a sweetheart."
When a little more quiet, when the loud sound of gulp heart began to peter out, he hand in his head to chest adiknya seems to want to throw all the burden of his heart, to exhaust all that has been suffering chest tighten.

Bergenggaman hands with each other, the two brothers is running the sofa in a dark corner of the room. They drowned in the compassion, the younger brother hug brother freeze to juxtapose themselves, and listen.

"Oh! Kalimatku I know this does not make sense, I can not even understand myself, and since then I feel has become a madman. Be careful, adikku, be careful with yourself! If only you knew how weak we are, how quickly we give up and fall. Just a moment softness course, one of the melankolis among thousands menerpamu longing to open the hand, to love, like something, then you will easily fall.

You know my husband, and you know how I mencintainya; but he was the man who cooked and rational, and not able to understand the vibration of a soft-hearted woman. He is always the same, always good, always smiling, always friendly, always perfect. Oh! How sometimes I wish that he was in his hands memelukku ago given a soft sweet kiss and slowly. How I hope that he becomes a man foolish, even weak, so he felt membutuhkanku, need belaianku and water eyes.

All this seems culun, but we, the women, that be like that. What power we? But, never mind olehku to leave my husband. Now it happened, without love, without reason, without anything, just because it has menyinariku hours a night on the edge of Lake Lucerne.

During the months that, when we travel together, my husband, who is still with sikapnya indifferent, has been crippling semangatku, extinguish puitisku sense. When we walk down the mountain at sunrise, when the two horses bersenda mutual banter, vagueness in the fog, we see the valleys, forests, rivers and countryside, I clap hard-hard and said to him: 'How beautiful, O husband! Give me kiss! Kiss me! 'He only said, with a smile dinginnya:' There is no reason for us to smooch each other just because you like this scene. "

Kalimatnya and had my heart freeze. Menurutku, when two people love each other, they should be left out by the scene-the beautiful scenery. I have frozen my heart with poetry. I like the stove or bottle tersiram tersegel the meeting.

One night (we stayed four nights in a hotel in Fluelen), due to headaches, Robert immediately after dinner sleep, and I walk the streets alone on the edge of the lake.

Night was passed as a tale-tale before sleep. Full moon suddenly appears in the sky above; high mountains, with a tinge of white snow, like silver crown wear; gemericik lake water with ripple-ripple small sparkler. The air so soft, with a warmth that would like to merasukiku fainting. I am so kepayang without any reason. But how sensitive, how bergolaknya heart at that time! Jantungku berdegup hard and emosiku the stronger.

I sat on the grass, up the lake area, and incredible melankolis that, seems to have strange feelings merasukiku; terangkum I think in the thirst for love that is not terlegakan, a rebellion against kebodohanku throughout life. What! Not a chance for me to be able to walk with a man who kucintai, embrace each other with hands and mouth smooch each other, along the lake like this? Can not smack my lips in a delicious smell, and the intoxicating evening which was created to enjoy God? Is not this nasibku to penetrate beautiful love in the shadow in the night light week this summer?

Then tangisku explode like mad women. I heard something moving in behind. And a man standing there, menatapku sharp. When kupalingkan head, he mengenaliku and said, 'You weep, madam? "

He is a youth center melancong with his mother, and we often meet. Eyes often menguntitku. I am so confused and do not know what should be said. Kujawab just that I am currently sick.

He dekatku running in a manner that is polite and soft, then start talking to me about our trip. Kurasakan all that he has been translated into words. All things that can enthuse membuatku he understood perfectly, better than myself. And suddenly he quoted poetry larik-larik Alfred de Musset. Tenggorokanku tersekat, I am stunned with the emotions bubble over. Visible in sekelilingku, mountains, lakes and light days for the singing.

So there. Entahlah. I do not know why, such a halusinasi.
I did not meet with him again, until the morning he must continue the journey again. He was given a card! "

Then, while falling into the embrace of her female sister, Madame lottery sesenggukan crying, nearly like a child. Madame Roubere, with a serious face, said with a soft, "Hear, kakakku, often not a man who we love, but love itself. Bulanlah And the light became lovers sejatimu that night." ***

WORK : Guy de Maupassant


"Guest Bu," Bibi polite bow, directing capital to the front of the fingers.

"Who?" tanyaku while newspapers fold, remove the glass eye.

"Nothing Bu, have never been to come."

I nod. Rise with a full mind, I am not sure that guests bisnisku friend, because this Sunday. Not the brothers, because they usually call first to ensure I have at home. Or relatives may be far older friend who does not know the customs kebiasaanku? It can be.

Once opened the door kudapati a young man and young girl in the middle terrace kidding. Man was burnt brown with the sun, dressed somewhat disheveled. The little girl with more light, berbaju new materials with low quality. When the girl turned to me, immediately kutangkap rays on his face that membuatku terkesiap a while. Sinar face is not foreign to me. Although the form of a nose and two eyes that the guests - who membuatku can immediately conclude that they are father and son - but kutemui rays in the face of the child.

Young men turn to the door, to arahku. At once he stood, a little nod and mengucap good afternoon. I replied with a slight wobble head. Only slightly. Laughter of the small little girl was running. Kupersilakan both in, still with a little heart flutter. Who they? Disheveled man with a sharp eye beam. Clearly not here to ask for donations.

After we sat down, he began to introduce himself.

"I Jaya, Tante. Neyla And this," he said while laying hands on the shoulders of the young girl.

Neyla. Name a name so similar to the first child gadisku, neyna.

"Sorry, the holidays Tante," he said. With a steady voice intonation and clear eyes that tatap very self confident.

I am sure he is not careless people. The way he speaks and eyes that tatap, not owned by any person. Untung I treat it well, batinku. Kutatap him more clingy, trying to fathom what is actually more in men in the front. He is quite handsome. Misery may make it less terawat and look older than actual age.

"I have titipan from neyna."

Neyna. He mentions the name! Instantaneous muscle-strain ototku.

"Sorry can deliver now," he added. "It is too late, but now we really got to this city."

He remove the protective carrying case of the heel and a flat pack with diulurkannya. Kuterima packing and kubuka one side. Photo of us. I, my husband, Andrew, and neyna. Images created when our two children are still small. Perhaps neyna new contemporary girl in the front. So neyna who have taken this picture from the living room, batinku.

"Neyna does not apologize and ask permission to take what I have put it here."

"Why is not he himself who put it on us?" friendliness of the new start to appear immediately sirna. Sikapku changed stiff and cold.

Neyna on retention, the child was perempuanku reopen past wounds. Still clearly recall how children in the kukandung, kulahirkan and kubesarkan that tega-slapping nampar wajahku. I do not know, what has merasukinya. Neyna so sweet and refreshing day-to-day we sekeluarga, little by little began to change as incoming college first. Initially, only participate in activities Affairs only. Then he spends more time with friends in the student organization. Then I start menegurnya. We had a debate before finally reached an agreement that I will not melarangnya berkegiatan for he is able to maintain the achievements akademiknya.

Old-old he began to lazy to go home. Home only made the drift, where the requesting goods store sometimes. Komunikasinya with decreased dramatically. I used to work as a friend to chat turns to the cashier who only found at the time of need money. Once he returned to jarangnya sometimes I am surprised when terkaget-met. Children gadisku a beautiful, clean, fragrant and suddenly kutemui have been so lazy treat themselves. He came to face with the pointed, eyes tired, and the sweaty clothes. Even the next meeting kutemui not hitamnya longer hair, which was dense and beautiful with the bangs that make dollish Barbee. Hair that has been trimmed short because she was too ribet mengurusnya.

I began to have a reason for anger and melarangnya berkegiatan, but he disputed the. Even overt claim sikapnya terhadapku. I criticize the authoritarian he said, the leadership of the household and corporate sekehendakku, without the proposal and would like to hear the voice ketertindasan others. Who will not be burned? Know what he was about domestic life? Moreover, about the company. Sadarkah not perusahaanlah that he can make a living like now?

"The company that crossroads of our lives. You do not need to meddle in the task because it means the destruction of corporate destruction of our lives," said slow but sharp.

"Yes, that company that makes us prosperous and wealthy. But remember Ma, it is not the work of Mama. The labor that is the back bone. And all this time with Mama in the name of the company had rack of them without a commensurate reward," screaming neyna rough.

I am excited. "If we do not like the way kerjaku, do not eat from kerjaku results. Go, seek your own meals or stay here and lock up!"

Beyond a doubt, absolutely beyond a doubt, neyna receive tantanganku. He chose out of the house. Leaving a life of no lack of this and replace it with the wild life. Life is not necessarily all. Sleep anywhere and eat anyone's. Somehow what exactly, I can not imagine.

I never intend menyusulnya because no tega, but before the intention that he would lead the kesampian demo requires employee welfare improvement. So not only failed keinginanku menjemputnya, but also dissolved maafku for it. Since then, I did not want children to think about it again. He kuanggap are missing or dead. He is not my son anymore! Apparently kepergiannya time while carrying an image that is now at hand is.

"Why did not he return the own this photo?" tanyaku with residual anger past.

"He can not," answered Jaya.

"Why?" tanyaku. "Scared to meet with?"

"Not," Jaya shake weak. Flicker briefly. "He can not find anyone anymore," he added slowly while holding the breath.

"Health?" tanyaku still with conceit.

Jaya shake. Menatapku him without speaking, "neyna is .... Go. Half a year ago." And men in hadapanku water that is the eyes that float.

I menghempaskan themselves. Accidentally. Indeed I am so hurt by ulahnya and meniatkan no longer considered as putriku, but news of these rip perasaanku. Neyna, daughter cantikku it went forever ...

'Sorry, I can not guard, "the man has been able to control perasaannya. Sikapnya back quietly. "Everything goes so fast. One day I suddenly encountered neyna vomiting blood. At that time also I take him to hospital. Some days there, doctors recommend that it be brought home. Tigerish Cancer parunya-in tuberculosis has been spreading to the organ - other organs and medical teams have been unable to do anything, "he pause, draw breath. "One I, during this never pay up."

We still know each other at some length. Each dissolved with memories and ashes.

"You're her husband?" tanyaku then with a soft tone.
Menatapku He hesitated a moment before the bow. "Sorry, I do not ask permission first Tante."

"So this child neyna," said gentle, almost in itself. "If allowed, I get the mengasuhnya," I said suddenly.

Jaya smiled. "Thanks Tante, he is my breath. So I may not part with it. Although I may not give the luxury of him."

I tertampar enough with the answer. Kutahan but did not give any reaction on the answers.

Not long after the men have surrendered. Kuantar up to the fence. While kubuka door, had kutanya, in which they live.

"We are on the slopes of Mt Geni. I work with people who lost their lives threatened, because the national park development plans," answered Jaya.

Then they passed. Before angkot tumpangi they actually pass away, still had time to flourish saw tiny children's hands with Jaya kubalas with a flourish as well.

I still stand on the fence even though the two have disappeared together with tamuku angkot that they bring. Suddenly I remember, while my husband home again. And he may not know what happened. So soon kututup over a fence and entering. Wash face then return to sit in front of tivi, while open-page Sunday newspaper. ***

WORK : Susialine Adelia


I aspire to become teachers. Of course me and my wife so shok. We both know, what kind of a future teacher. Therefore, before too long, our quick ngajak he ngomong.

"We hear, incidentally, you want to be teachers, Taksu? Yes!"
Taksu nod.

"Yes Sir."
We surprised.

"Gila, you would like to cook so g-u-r-u?"

My wife and I-view perspective. That catastrophe. We do not believe what we hear. Moreover, when we peer tatap, calm eyes visible Taksu not guilty. He certainly is not what Searched diucapkannya. Clearly he does not know the problem.

We look worried, because Taksu not fear that we do not agree. My wife's in-breathe in as disappointed, and so it went. I started to speak frankly.

"Taksu, heard good things. Bapak only speak one time only. Then it's up to you! Being a teacher is not a goal. That banner in the way of slums in the village. We live in the city. And this is the era of the third millennium colored by globalization , alias-free competition. At the present this does not have people who want to become teachers. dilnya All teachers are forced to become a teacher because, as they failed to reach the other. They are so original teachers are not idle. ngerti? Every time if there is an opportunity, they will jump ngambil a more beneficial. ngapain a teacher, would like to stand dead? You are not a person who has failed, so why you so desperate? "

"But I want to be teachers."
"Why do I have another job? You know, life is a teacher like? Guru is only an old bicycle. Be offered as iron does not have any trash that want to buy. Kejepit his life. Seabrek-abrek task, but the big money is zero. see where the teachers have rose Jaguar. house just average contract in the alley slums. In the village is also the teacher of his life not from teaching but from the farm. Because of the teaching profession is wasted, as the Boro-Boro goal, a road course costs less. goal is to be high, Taksu. Cook so teachers? That aspiration of trivial, mocking the name of the parents. Masak you not know? What have teachers who have a multilevel home. There is no teacher who has a dollar deposits. Teachers are not have a future. bleak world. We sleep, he still only utak especial prepare lesson materials or check the PR. How crass you want go to hell, but you are still young, you weak brain, and the cost to the school we have to prepare. Try to think the brain with the quiet cold! "

"It is I think deeply."
I'm surprised.

"Think again! Mr. kasi one month!"
Taksu shake.
"Dikasih within one year is the same result, Pak. I want to be teachers."

"No! You thought only one month before again!"
Taksu leave us with a hot heart. My wife grumble along the way. Made a month-monthly, I am. According to him, sayalah that is one of the students, so Taksu so short-sighted pikirannya.

"You who pamper him, therefore he seenak stomach just now. Cook would be the teacher. That's just suicide!"
I'm still alone. My wife is really strange. What is not disukainya, deems all my handiwork. Husband's fate is so average. Outside can exceed fierce tiger, dealing with his wife, destroyed.

Not only a month, but two months later, we both came to visit again Taksu in place kosnya. Once this does not appear with our hands empty. My wife takes penchant krupuk fish skin Taksu. I brought a new lap top the most powerful, as a surprise.

Taksu ecstatic. But our very own back beaten. When we ask how the results perenungannya a two-month, Taksu give the same answers.

"I have is I want to be a teacher, I asked again, Sir," he said at all without feeling guilty.
Now I am angry. My wife do not dikata again. Jump tight face. He can not restrain angry again. Taksu disemprotnya exhausted.

"Taksu! You definitely want to be a teacher because you are affected by praise on those teachers that do?" scolding wife. "Mentang-mentang they say, heroic teachers, teachers are kind to the nation and homeland. Ahh! That's all untrue! That government language! Do you think the teacher is correct that is causing people so pinter? Do you not read in the newspaper, many teachers -teachers who are now useless and depraved? Ah? "

Taksu not replied.
"The State deliberately praise teachers see the sky but their own, the state did not give that kind of salary, because they believe, many people like you, are satisfied as praised. They know the weakness of people like you, Taksu. Praised only a few have been want to rock the bones, work order does not matter is not paid. Taksu You deceived! Puji-made to compliment the people a weak heart like you, still want to be teachers. the children of their own race officials that post-race get out of sky-school, that can later inherit his father! Cook just so you do not nyahok? "

Taksu still not replied.
"You is not the type of people who just love to be recommended? You use what you own praises, which is something that is concrete. The concrete is money, Taksu. Do not be afraid allegedly materialistic. Meterialistik Who says it ugly. That is the word they do not have the money. Because not able to find money they curse-down money. Where possible, you can live without money? Yang bener only. We need to live materials. Teachers are working on the anti-material, make what you spend your life for something that is not useful? understand? "

Taksu nod.
"Understand. But what would one be a teacher?"
My wife eyed not believe what didengarnya. Finally he spurt.

"Lap-top take home its first course, Pak. Biar Taksu think again! Love him three days time, so that more can decide something in depth. Remember, this is a matter of life matimu own, Taksu!"

I actually want to come talk, but my wife I went interesting. I could not gainsay. In the way of my wife's breath.

"It is time to make shock therapy on Taksu, before it was too in kejeblos. He really needs attention. Therefore, he tries to do something that causes us forced memperhatikannya. Basic child of the age now, ingenuity! He desire not the lap top but the car! Mr. drudge beliin her car, so that what would follow our advice! "

I do not agree, I have another opinion. But what means the denial of a husband. If my wife or sister brother, or father-mother, who oppugn, may be diturutinya. But if from me, please do not. What I have proposed dicurigainya profit interests have my family. His wife is always the husband, from perasaannya own.

Three days we did not visit Taksu. But it also does not Taksu call us. I'm so anxious. In fact children do not miss their parents, parents who have always considered children.

Finally, without a known by my wife, I come again. Once I came with the car keys. I pull my deposits in a bank and take a car loan. Taksu may want to have a luxury car, but I only buy cheap strong. But sejelek-kan jeleknya car, with the promise of a bonus, if he would like to change the cloth-citanya, Isn'T luxury car, everything I will submit, wait.

"How Taksu," I said while showing the car keys. "This gift to you. But you must also give gifts for Father."

Taksu see the key to the cold.
"Gifts do, Sir?"

I smiled.
"Three minutes, Mr. taste long enough to make you decide. So short words only, so what you want actually?"

I looked Taksu.
"So the teachers. Kan says I have many times?"

Lock the car that is already in my hands again rebut.
"Cars are not an appropriate use of teachers. The key is you can take right now, if you promise that you will not want to be teachers, because the parents embarrass you. You this investment for our future, Taksu, understand? You sekolahkan us that ye may reach a degree, have positions, respected people, so we also honored. To be useful to you and the people have money to treat your parents, if we have our old later. Bercita-yang bener citalah. Mbok want to be president so! Cook teachers ! Gila! If you become a teacher, married after the worst you'll be back at home stick to your parents and suckle so exhausted all the inheritance ludes. That name stunted mind. No, I do not want my son terpuruk like that! "

Then I put the key back in the front nose. Taksu think. Then I yell gegap joy in the heart, because he was allowed to lock it again.

"Thank you, Sir. Mr. I have been considering. Sesungguh With-sungguhnya, I respect Mr. attention on."
While saying that, I Taksu interesting hand, and on the palm ditaruhnya me back the car keys.

"I want to become teachers. Sorry."
If it does not refrain, certainly at that time also Taksu I tampar. Kebandelannya was very provoking. Receiving plane is damaged. Fortunately I was good faith. I press my feelings. Key contacts that I hold to enter the bag and pants.

"Fine. If the case, tuition money and you start to eat next month we stop. You live alone. You can order your own direct experience how life is suffering. Not as easy as you read in the theory and slogan. Hopefully the pain will guide you to the right road. Three days will come again, Mr.. pikiranmu time to be sure that will change! Bangkit indeed occur after the new had destroyed! But never mind. "

No doubt many more, I go. I really get mad. I think Taksu certainly have dicocok nose by someone. No one can do that, except Mina, girlfriend. Children of teachers that I have been teaching less upon my child that terkiblat pikirannya to become teachers. Damn!

Exactly three months later I came again. Once I take this key luxury car. But first I ask the same question.
"Try it for the last time, so what would you really?"

"How a teacher."
I can not afford to continue. Boxing I fly to the table. Glass on the table jump. Coffee is in front of me to squirt.

"But why? Why? What information we do not make enough to open eyes and mind that you already dicekoki by female teacher child beggar is? What you want to be teachers, Taksu ?!!!"

"Because I want to be teachers."
"No! You can not be teachers!"

"I want to be teachers."
"I kill you, if you still want to keep it so the teachers."

Taksu I stare.

"If you still want to be just teachers, I kill you now!" I agonized kalap.
Taksu reply I looked sharp.

"Father will not be able to kill me."
"No? Why not?"

"The teachers can not be killed. Jasadnya may be rotten ago disappeared. Diajarkannya But what is still left behind eternal. Even grow, develop and provide inspiration to future generations to come yanag. Teachers can not die, Sir."

I'm dumbfounded.
"O ... so that drugs that cause you would already be a teacher?"

"Yes! That's why I want to be teachers, because I did not want to die."
I bengong. I have not been answered emphatically by my child. I'm so nervous.

"Rotter!" words escape me. "Who are you pollute your mind with the motto keblinger? Who are you mengindoktrinasi, Taksu?"

Taksu looked sharp to me.
"Who Taksu?!"

Taksu point.
"Mr. yourself, eh?"
I'm surprised.

"That is not it 28 years ago! Now have another Taksu! You do not ngacau! You can not live with the advice that Mr. gave 30 years ago! Then you lazy. You do not like school, you only want to play, you even recalcitrant and less on teaching the teachers that you come to school ride motorcycles. You do not even realize sepatunya butut face faded and less nutrition, but it is the people who will save your life. That is the knowledge that the warehouse you need to paste until you are ready. Before you are ready, you should respect them, with respect for them, new knowledge that can be attached. Without knowledge you have will not be able to compete in this global era. Tofu? "

One day I Taksu study. I telanjangi all persepsinya about life. With no red-faced again, drag the name of my girlfriend who mentang the Mina-mentang the beautiful, want to drag my child to a dark future.

"No true love is blind!" I kalap rage. "If a love is blind what's the bikini," I go cite the ads I papas often on the road. "If you become blind, that's the name of love but not toxic. You have terkecoh, Taksu. Pacarmu Although the family is a teacher, does not mean you have to mengidolakan your profession as a teacher. Why? Thus you should save it with a family of teachers do not need to be a teacher , because they do not need to live smithereens turbulence proud to be a teacher. What does it mean if the pride of living in the more appreciate the fact tie, car, money, and dignity? Got money, dignity and property is not a sin, why should be seen as a sin . For all that is only a tool to be able to live more civilized. menyembahnya We are not, never have told you that the teachings of worship material. We only use the material is to increase our life more humane. What people can not be happy? What if suffering as a teacher, new man will be civilized? kaprah That's wrong! Change the Taksu you, now! This! "

My car key gebrakkan BMW in front of the eyes with a very angry.
"This is a billion more!"
Before he had time to answer or take, I take the keys back while ready-ready want to go.

"Pulang now and apologize to your mother, because you just insult us! Leave her. Later, if you are successful you will be 7 times more beautiful women from the Mina with a very easy! There is no need to switch you nalar!"

Without waiting for answers, then I go home. I tell my wife on what I already do. I guess I will be able to praise. But apparently my wife bengong. He did not trust what I describe. And when kesadarannya down again, his eyes bug out and I dibentak completely.

"Mr. too! Do not treat children like that!" screaming wife kalap.
I'm confused.

"Come back! Let the car keys at the Taksu! If the children want ngasih car, you just do not use all the requirements, the trade name! Cook same child trade. Basic mercenary!"

I confused.
"Ayo cepet, later fading child you!"

I still want to rebut. But hear the words blurred, my heart fall. Taksu was the only child. Eleven years we waiting with anxious. Our treatment here-there, to rehearse and perform artificial enseminasi finally had time to twice the program tube baby. All failed. Time we pasrah not give up but, eventually my wife and the birth Taksu. Children who are very expensive, how can I let him be vague?

"Come quick!" sitri I agonized kalap.
With panic Taksu see me again. But too late already. Children already know that as just, that his mother would pack me back. Kost's house was empty. He was going to bring all the goods-goods, who live only a small secarik paper and a small message:

"Sorry, I relakan I became a teacher."
My trembling hands holding the paper disobek from the book daily. Paper that the value may only seperak that, far from the key means that the BMW price semilyar and clear my deposits. I sit in the room, the smell the smell Taksu that is still lagging. I thought perplexed. What is destiny's child and the parents of conflicts? How I did not want to re-fly vituperate Mina who already misguide Taksu. I call back-four teachers who have dikultusindividukan work as a noble, when in reality, many teachers are useless.

Room door suddenly opens. I like dipagut electricity. But when it turned, it is not Taksu but my wife is due to overtake worry. Time he knows what happened, he was direct and angry and crying. Finally, I again became a target. For the first time, I struggle. If not, my wife will make me so bal-balan. I answered all the alleged wife. He was surprised because for the first time I rebut. Finally, in the former rooms of our children, our quarrel hard.

But that 10 years ago.
Now I am already old. Time has a way to process everything so, so that everything beyond a doubt. Now replace Taksu already bear the burden of my life my family. He became one of the major import of luxury goods and export goods and crafts to fresh fish of various regions overseas.

"He was a teacher for about 10,000 people servants. Teachers also for young people who become a sister generasinya. Even teachers for the nation and state, because the services-services transmit work ethics," said promoter when Taksu get doctorate Honoris Causa from a prestigious high-joking. ***

WORK : Putu Wijaya


Ramadhani, even at death's door, I still remember with ucapanku at a time. At the time of the other, many times I will say more later went first from you. "Dead young," even said. And you always lock the mouth with just a kiss my lips. Cut off-I said the word menurutmu inappropriate. Just at a time, before we have to be separated for the rocket to dihembuskan of the earth, you got a slap cheek when kiriku again I repeat the sentence of death is. No more smell like. I think you may have can not be patient menghadapiku. Or are you too scared? In fact I have so often talk about the leaves with my name in the tree branches. That he, said, while the yellow and then go to hasten dry autumn. He is very short, will not compete until the age of us in there.

But then we meet again in a place that we call life. But the situation is very different. We still contemporary, but it can not be said that as an adult. We still talk just is not tidy. Here to there, typical language children. All very different to what we had lalui together in a time past. Before we both tertiupkan to this nature.

NAFASKU terpatah-broken. I feel very tired. As a woman renta waiting period of close age. Run only in a notional indeed both feet never move any where. But I was not old. Although also-ran can not run away. I only continue to lie and lie. Since my father journey to heaven. Eyes still accommodate the many buliran not get a clear turn for the spill. I terlanjur asleep. And now, I dream.

My father stood in the shade so soft but it seemed strange to me. I tried to call, but voice stopped at the dry tenggorokanku. Long once I do not drink the water through the mouth. Infus the lapse of only a hand hold kananku penetrate so far. My father is dead, as if kehadiranku not see here. Perhaps nostalgic pounding in my chest that did not upset enough to be hard to sign keinginanku met with?

I saw the picture again when my father and my mother meninggalkanku. "My father must be abroad," said a mother at night.

"For what?" tanyaku.
"To work," my father respond. "My father's promise will not go long. You can mark the day with continued mencoreti each calendar desk calendar on my father. Every day. And without you realize, my father would have been back here."

I do not believe installing the face, "My father's promise?"
My father bow steady. Tingkahku see my mother smile. And I mengantarkannya to the airport with a heavy heart.

Next, I am busy with my father owned mencoreti calendar. But my father went so long. I waited until exhaustion and lazy start mencoreti calendar as the father had requested. I started crying and angry at my mother, but also all people. Weakened my body because I always refuse food and even drinks. I am reluctant to speak, including the friend sepermainanku, ramadhani. Until one day my mother said if my father will not go home again. "My father is flying to heaven," he said.

Since then, I really hate the numbers. I am not averse to dismantling and would like to see the calendar terpajang at home. I hate the things. I also began to chafe like myself. Until I finally get sick and have to lie in the hospital for baunya is not very tasty.

Shadow soft feel of my father and the slowly fade. I look and menajamkan pandanganku, but useless. Hadapanku in the atmosphere changed into white, and so the meeting by removing the thick fog of cold. One form of adult males appears to penetrate fog walking toward me. Body is much higher from me. He smiled and menggandeng hand. Skin feels so smooth hands in telapakku.

While mengajakku to sit down, man was told about the sky and breathe heaven. I remember on my father and said to the men in sebelahku, "Is my father there?"

"True," answered.
"On the seventh heaven."
"What we can to get there?" tanyaku not patient.
"Soon we will be there. But, no condition."
"What condition?" sahutku spirit.
"You first have to calculate the amount of the sky. If not, you will not get to the father. Because you will lose."

"If we forget that, I would not count. I hate the numbers!" I cried.
"In heaven, you can also count the stars."
"I did not want to calculate the sky or anything."
"Trust, you will like it."
"For what I count the stars?"
"Perhaps there are also the father, the stars."

Men's bow is. I memeluknya without hesitation. The atmosphere is serene incarcerate us both. I lean my head to the chest of male. Not have any voice in this place, except tap jantungku own. Sound of gulp that is long enough this feels very weak. I enjoy jantungku tap into the distinctive tone beautifully for me.

"What we can count this vote?" said point jantungku noise.
"Yes, of course. Count. It will be fun if we count the things that we like."
"What voice will always ring forever?"
"No. He will stop, if you're already dead."
"Dead? Go to Heaven, like my father? Begitukah?"
"If I die, what can I meet my father?"
"Of course."
"I wanted to vote to stop this strike," I said slowly.
"Your mother will be sad if you leave," answered the man.

"Do not tell my mother if I die. Berjanjilah to dwell. As the mother at first, when my father left us."
"What about your friends, ramadhani?"

I subside. Ramadhani? Ah, I melupakannya. What I tega so just leave? But ... I have not said this to him first, at the time of the other? Of course he'll understand.
I will just say the male ramadhani that it will be good only if you must kutinggalkan, but he had disappeared from pandanganku. I no longer reside in pelukannya. The atmosphere of the white foggy now switch to the garden which is very beautiful and full of flowers. Fragrant aroma of the sheath-sheath bermekaran meet place who have never even kutemui this.
At that time, in the distance, I again saw my father stand on its own figures. This time he was up to arahku and smiled. I reply with senyumannya running menujunya. But pandanganku suddenly become hazy. I continue to walk all the more invisible olehku. I stop feeling disappointed with langkahku.
I remember the friend kecilku. Ramadhani, if after this I must go, then all that will be Searched saw one beautiful dream before death. I said in the liver.

I see you sitting on the side of the pembaringanku. But shady eyes glisten. This hospital room looks more like mortuary. Cold, quiet, and the souls of the frozen. I am still asleep. Occasionally menyapamu cry, but you do not mendengarku. I saw a dream that is still left with kaburnya. You will not believe, ramadhani, I met my father in mimpiku.

I remember the other world. You time, ramadhani, kiss my lips when I talk about death. But now you look a little different. Your face looks as if very fear of death are to the opera. And, ah, ramadhani, see! My father came again. Mimpiku clear again. I quickly drown themselves in the picture mimpiku.

In the behind, stretch hands for my father. Chest full of nostalgia that is not tertawar again. ... And in the opposite direction, "Hey, that's you, ramadhani. You're also here?" tanyaku. But you still. Rigid. Not long after you call my name very slowly. Not be nearly olehku. In fact I come to you like you or not?

I can not choose. Between my father and you, in mimpiku. Total Napasku already panting. This is tiring, ramadhani. But also fun. A unique experience that can not be carelessly told. I am sure once this is far more interesting than the sky or the stars.

Then all terpastikan. Someone on the head, interesting things from my body. There is so despite the trek. Very fast, but had membuatku tercekat.

I forgot all mimpiku. Suddenly my father already memelukku with eratnya. While you're crying in the embrace of my mother, at the end of the pembaringanku. Doctors pull out hose infusku. I cried for you, "I will miss ciumanmu, ramadhani." But again you can not mendengarku, but just continue to cry. ***

WORK : Maya Wulan


One young woman said to the mother.
Mother, sincere man that like?

His mother surprised. He looked amazed at the children outside pengamatannya who has become the lovely girl. Stunned, because time did not want to wait. It's a new yesterday was still a child beside ngompol so smelly mattress pesing. Suddenly he is only now that women have a lot of questions.

First pair of eyes that often belekan that, I now highlight the car lights on dark nights. Sinarnya so sharp. Surrounding participate so reflective. However, the existing road in front of the nose itself, which he of the medium, still appear foggy. Life is a big secret that is not only experienced in the story in the experience of others, because it must be your own.

Why do you ask that, son?
For I want to know.
And after the year?
I do not know.

Girls face becomes red. Understand her mother, because he was once young and want to ask the same thing to her mother, but does not dare. Feeling that time is never discussed, especially concerning love. Even if tried, the answer appears often misleading. Because parents tend to hide a secret life from her children who deems not quite ready for the experience. Now everything has changed. The children want to know that not only must they know, but all of them. Including the first no-no. They were pleased at the danger.
Interesting after the breath, the mother was the daughter's head and whisper.

Do not be ashamed, my son. A secret will not untangle himself, if you do not own to open it. A mystery begins with curiosity, even if in fact you already know. Just because you have never experienced themselves, only a knowledge of foreign portrait of books you read. Many parents hide it, because that knowledge will not need to make your life may be very heavy and broken turn ago, so you will never get to the destination. But the mother does not like that. Mother believes the era of giving you the ability to confront other dangers that are also different. So the mother will be told. But what you ready to accept the truth even if it is not fun?
Purpose mother?
Man sejati son, may not be as you imagine.
Why not?

For in the dream, you have dikacaukan by all kinds of expectations from the brim to the disappointment of many men who never meet the expectations of women. There is only a feeling keki.
Is that wrong?

Mother will not talk about right or wrong. Mother just want you to separate between the feelings and thoughts. Between expectations and reality.

I always cut it. The hope is that we want something that happens often in conflict with what is in front of and eye. Hope to be illusion, it only shadow of the heart. I understand that once. But what one shadow? Because the shadow that we know is that the sun, so that owing to the darkness, we can see the parts that light be, things that should be obvious that we receive, even if it conflicts with expectations.
His mother smiled.
So you still remember all the mothers say?
Why not?
Then you are ready to see reality?
I am ready. I look forward to hearing more. Show how men are sincere.

Memejamkan mother's eyes. It was as if all the elements into everywhere, to build a loop of clear and concrete.

Men of sterling, and then my son said, but he is ... not continue.
Is a man of sterling.
Ah, Mrs. ngeledek not so, I am serious, I am not patient.

Good, Mrs. attempt so that you only really hear the words that every mother will submit. So look very seriously and do not cut, because men can not be bred only spoken with one sentence. Men's sincere son, while the mother looked up to the front, as if he saw men that are over-bred in the air about penjelmaannya in words.
Men are sincere ...
Men who brave?

Wrong! Kan Searched mother says, do not interrupt! Men's called male-bred, not only because he was brave! Concrete wall is also strong, but not the man just because he is sincere is not perforated by bullet by not teetery earthquake is not perforated by scratching the tsunami, but he must be flexible and soulless. Grow, develop and even change, as well as you.
O ya?

Not as powerful, nor as handsome men to be sincere. A man does not become men because only pure rock-resistant body, because of beautiful and ideal proportion. A man does not by itself become a man because he was sincere great, superior, always a winner, brave and willing sacrifice. A man has not become a man just because he is sincere wealthy, good, wise, smart talk, believe, interesting, diligent prayer, friendly, not arrogant, not gossipy, humble, full of understanding, authoritative, jago make , yield smart, full of tolerance, always respect other people, have a position, rank or higher have a lot of charisma and intellect. A man does not become a man just because he is sincere meritorious, useful, helpful, honest, shrewd, smart or genius. A man even though he is an idol that you admire, a leader, a hero, a pioneer, innovator and rebel, even a wise-wise, does not automatically make him a sincere man!
If so what is?

A man is a sincere view that a reasonable view, listen to them hear, feel it is appropriate, be thought reasonable to think, to read a reasonable read, and have made a reasonable, therefore, think that he be thought worthy, who deserves behave possible and that life should be life.
Young woman is taken aback.
Only that?
A man is a sincere man of one word with the act!
People consistent?
More than that!
A man who can be trusted?
Young woman is stunned.

What is more than one word and deed? Heartfelt and everything? Ahh! Memejamkan the young woman's eyes, as if trying to imagine all that nature mengkristal to be her man and then memeluknya. He enjoys lamunannya not afford to continue ngomong again. Audible groan from the mouth small, impressed, and worshipful longing. He orgasme inner experience.

Ahhhhhhh, gumannya continue to get a puncture as favors. I love him in the first presentment. I want to meet men like that. Say where can I find men like that pure, Mother?

Mother did not reply. He just looked like a child gadisnya pity. So that young women grow hair.
Where can I acquainted with him?
For what?

Because I would say hold the line, that I mencintainya. I will not be timid to declare, I wish him pacarku to be, mempelaiku, is the father of daughters, grandchildren, mother and grandchildren. Let him into my life, if a staff later I are old. Being a person who will be memijit leg if semutan, a person who revere shatter my heart and that are shriveled. I wake in the morning if I am lazy and can not afford to move again. I will meminangnya to be my husband, so I will not hesitate to become a son-merayunya Mother, of our generation, why not, I will merebutnya, I will fight to have them.
Dada was a young woman spotty.

What one now women choose men to be the husband, after for centuries we women are only the people who turn left waiting?
Young women was to open his eyes. Eyeball was garish-flash. He holds the hands of his mother.
Mother says quickly, where can I find the men?
Mother sigh heavily. Girls are surprised.
Why Mother's draw breath throughout it?
Because you ask for something that is not possible, unfortunately.
What? Not possible?
Because men sejati such there is no more above the world.
Oh, the young woman surprised.
There is no more?
Have been exhausted.
Lord, exhausted? Why?
Men's pure like that is all vanish, since your father died.
Young women are closing the mouth, because the split disappointed.
Disappear already?

Yes. Now that there are only men who can not be held longer mouth. Overall only loudmouth. Actors three classes. Cap all tempe. Many men are strong, smart, rich, have power and can do anything, but everything can not be trusted. No more men bred son. They marry carpenters, carpenters ngibul, all basket herbal medicine, do not want the child, let alone wash dalammu trousers, their prey and so the tiger can have what you want. If you are old and not more diligent minister, they do not shrink from menggebuki punish women who had become her mother. No more men bred again, son. So when you still miss male bred, you will become a vestal. Better stop dreaming that it is not useful.
The pensive girl. Faces seem very glum.
So there is no more hope, with the voice gag gumamnya despair. There is no hope anymore. If so I am broken-hearted.
Yes. I despair.
Why must despair?
Because what's the longer I live, if there is no male-bred?
Her mother returned the child her head, and smiled.

You are too young, too much to read books and sit behind the desk. Close the book now and stand up from the chair that you have the claw. Exit, hirup the air fresh, perspective lagit blue and green leaves. There are lily white blooms are rollicking in the fence, not a world as you imagine in kamarmu. Lifestyle sekotor not be told by the books in perpustakaanmu although it is not seindah dream-mimpimu. My son out, find someone in there, and tegur and talk! Do not ngumpet here!
I do not ngumpet!
Do not run!
Who run?
Coop itself is running or ngumpet. Get out!
Exit to where?
To the road! Mother points to the direction the door opens. Interact with many people.
Girls that termangu.
For what? In a home more comfortable?
So if you want to be kuper frog!
But I read a lot? I am hapal out-rhyme rhythm Kahlil Gibran!

Not enough! You should speak with their pairs, dialogue will make your heart open, your eyes see more and understand on the surplus-surplus of others.
Shake the young woman.
It is no use, because they were not sincere men.
Hence it out. Out now!

Young woman is taken aback, his mother's voice became loud and rule. He had placed the book, since the earphone opening spurt earlier R & B music in both ears, and exit a room.

Afternoon sun obstructed by clouds, which come from thin air pollution. But that would help the tropical sun is fierce to become a beautiful ball of fire. In a nearly perfect sphere, but the soft light merahnya skid feet to the sky. Silhuet an eagle appear far higher hover mengincer target. Young women face is blank.
I do not need the sun, I need a man sincere, bisiknya.
So out of the house to the street and see!
For what?

Many men in the street. Catching one. Take any, with the careless eye also terpejam nothing. No matter what his name, how tampangnya, what education, how otaknya and no matter what perasaannya. Attract any men who are tergapai by hand, and he made friends life!

Young women that tecengang. Almost any time he wants to protest. But his mother hurried cut. Origin, his mother go with gentle but firm voice, the origin, this is the most important son, which he really mencintaimu and you own also seriously mencintainya. Because of love, son, love can change everything.
Young woman is taken aback.

And more than that, go before the mother had disputed the children, more than the son, he said with a soft voice, but increasingly more explicit, as a woman, daughter, whoever he is, from where he was, how he is, every woman, son every woman, can make a man, whoever he is, how is he, any work, even kalibernya However, a woman can make any man into a man who bred! ***

WORK : Putu Wijaya